Suprised? too Chapter 1

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First story! Posting next one only if i know people are reading (:

Taylor's POV:

FINALLY last day of school! A whole summer of nothing but sun & a beach just what I've been waiting for. I know I can get that here in Miami but what I can't get is a break from Justin & Ariana's 'Crew' & 'Clique' who find enjoyment in bullying me at every possible moment they can find, well when Justin & Ariana aren't busy shoving their tounges down there throats. Ewww.

"Taylor...Taylor!" Said an overly excited voice beside...which can only belong to one person. I take my headphones out & look at her with an annoyed yet amused expression.

"Oh goodness Kylie! All you had to do was tap my shoulder not scream my name for the whole highschool to hear!" I say before closing my locker & looking around nervously. Phew, 'they' aren't around.

"Damn someboy's jumpy." Kylie says with a look of recognition, she knows why.

I let out a sigh trying not to show how nervous I was, I just spent 45 minutes of trash getting thrown at me by Justin & Ryan in math & ran out before they could bully me more in person without getting yelled at by Mrs. Brown despite there cries of protest of having to stay behind to clean up everything they have thrown at me by Mrs.Brown I still didn't feel like I was safe, just that I had a head start. God bless you Mrs.Brown for not falling victim to how rich their parents are.

"Sorry you know how I get after school, it's just I don't want to see any of them right now, I just want to get out of here!" I said.

Kylie looked at me with a pitiful look, she knew my pain. Being my only friend since I moved here 2 years ago hasn't done well for her part, although she doesn't get bullied as much as I she is considered an outcast for befriending me & has earned my loyalty from my first day here as the new kid for defending me from when i dropped pudding on Ariana's shirt, thus beginning 2 years of bullying not only from her, but everyone involved with "the populars" which included Justin & his friends as soon as he found out what I supposedly did "on purpose" to his girlfriend. I always felt bad for her sharing in my misfortune, she's absolutely gourgeous & has a genuine personallity but she always has preferred my friendship no matter how many times I tried giving her an escape out of my shared humiliation..a true friend.

Kylie quickly changes the direction of conversation. "Are you sure you aren't trying to get a way from me?" She says with a pretend look of being offended followed with a giggle. Shit she remembered.

"How can I, not only are you my ride home, but also my neighbor. There's no escaping the inevitable. Besides I promised & you know I don't break my promises." I said with a smile secretly hoping she would of forgotten about my "makeover" I knew she wouldn't, she's been wanting to give me one ever since she walked into my closet & saw nothing but t-shirts two years ago. What can I say, I like my things simple & to go unnoticed... complete opposite of her.

Kylie let out a squeal of excitement. "This is going to be so much fun I have so many ide-" she was cut off by me getting shoved into my locker. I looked up, I already knew who it would be. Ariana.

"My boyfriend said it was your fault he had to stay behind in Mrs.Brown's is that true?" Ariana said looking at me with hate in her eyes.

"Yea cause I made him throw all that trash at me, sorry didn't know he was scheduled for one last quickie in the janitors closet before school ended." I said with heavy sarcasm & rolling of my eyes. I could hear the giggles of her two friends Demi & Nicole that quickly ceased by a glare from Ariana. Even they knew what a slut she was.

"Awe is Taylor jealous that she can't get any?" Ariana said with a fake pout before smacking my books down & stepping over them with her heels to get closer to me. "Listen here you fugly bitch, you better count your blessings I won't see you this summer. As much as I enjoy seeing you fail at a social life I have better things to do now that school is over, not like you & your loser friend who will stay at home & cry over yalls pathetic lives." Ariana said with a smirk directed at both me & Kylie.

"Now listen here you slut-," Kylie said stepping into the small space seperating Ariana & I, but was once again caught off by another pain in the ass. Justin.

"Hey loser thanks for getting me in trouble." Justin said with an annoyed, spiteful look on his face. I looked at him with disgust he, would be cuter if he wasn't such a jerk & a tool, him & Ariana were perfect for eachother even though everyone including them knew they always cheat on eachother, but for sake of reputation never broke up. Pathetic.

He was about to say something else when I snapped back. "Just leave me the f*** alone Bieber! You too Grande! I'm sorry y'all are tired of f***intg other people that y'all have to annoy me all the time, but leave me the f*** alone before I punch one of y'all or all of yall in the face!" I said shocked & proud of my out burst that I've been holding in for two years. I flipped off Ariana, Demi, & Nicole with one hand & Justin, Chaz & Ryan who just showed up at the end of the argument. I noted their looks of surprise & anger, especially in Justin's & walked away with a sense of achievement with Kylie right beside me looking proud as ever, forgetting my books that were smacked out of my hand. Didn't want to ruin my moment by having to Pick them up. I don't know if it was summer that's finally here or the anticipation of a new makeover that made me bold, but I already felt like a new person.

"All we need is contacts, new hairdo, wardrobe, & make up to go with that new attitude & we'll have ourselves a bad bitch!" Kylie said linking her arm in mine with a huge smile on both our faces. Ignoring the stares of everyone & whining of Ariana to Justin, Kylie & I made our way to Kylie's car ready for summer. Kylie was right, maybe a makeover would be good...

My first chapter!

tell me what you like or don't like, all criticism is appreciated & encouraged (:

Tell me if I should continue or not & if I do next chapter you will see the new & improved Taylor & watch Justin, Chaz & Ryan eat their heart out (;

It'll be longer too I promise. (:

Thanks for reading <3

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