Just My Luck Chapter 4

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I really appreciate those who have acctually been reading my story, it really makes me feel good

Justin's POV:

I woke up this morning to the sound of my alarm clock. I looked over & read that it was 7:00 A.M, I felt like I only had five minutes of sleep, but I know I had about 5 hours. Not because the summer project took that long, we surprisingly finished at 10:00 P.M just in time for closing. Which is pretty good considering we had to do the project & acctually get an understanding of the book, overall I thought we did pretty well. The reason why I was soooo tired though was because of Ariana who was having a meltdown about her two girlfriend's not answering their phones & insisted it was my duty as her boyfriend to help her in times of need, which apparently picking a first day of school outfit was a crisis in her book. So there we were skyping untill 2 freaking A.M. about which outfit she should wear.

I got up & started my morning routine, already wishing it was still summer. Once I brushed my teeth I went to my closet & picked my outfit at random. When you looked as good as I did you could wear anything. I put on black shorts with a purple & white tank followed with purple supras. I walked back into the bathroom & started on my hair, thinking about what today at school might bring.

I wonder if Ariana was still mad about our argument last night? She claimed I wasn't "paying attention to her". Who could blame me though, not my fault I had other things on my mind than what color matched the season & her hair. If anything it was Taylor's fault. Why was I thinking about her still at 2 in the morning? She wasn't anything special to me, so why couldn't she get out of my head? Maybe I should make her day extra miserable, then maybe she'll get out of my head. Worth a shot.

I ran downstairs grabbed a gronola bar, said bye to my mom & got into my car. It was 7:45, I drove off to pick up Ryan & Chaz. Since school started at 8:30 I had plenty of time.

Taylor's POV:

*At school*

Kylie & I pulled up in the parking lot of my school. I looked in the mirror one last time, I checked my makeup which turned out pretty good, I fixed my curled hair a little & with satisfaction I put away my mirror.

"Do we have to go to school?!" I whined to Kylie. I may look different, but I was not looking forward to the bullying which I new would come despite my sudden new appearance & no doubt Justin told Ariana all about what happened yesterday. I just didn't know what to expect, coming from them all things are possible.

"Yes Taylor, you look fine!" Kylie reassured me. "Hopefully are schedules match up enough that i'll be with you all day."

"Hopefully, but I'm just worried about Ariana." I said "Just imagine what Justin told her! Can you imagine what kind of humiliation she has in store for me?" I didn't wait for an answer, I got out of the car & started making my way to the front of the school.

Kylie quickly caught up with me & tried to match my pace. "It'll be fine I promise, don't think the worse already." She said "Just go with the flow & if possible stay out of their way."

I rolled my eyes & we walked to the front office once we got in the school. Immediately I could hear people whispering & pointing at me. I ignored it, grabbed my schedule & made my way to my first period, leaving Kylie behind. I was to busy looking at my schedule that I didn't even notice someone in front of me until we ran right into eachother, knocking me down. I looked up & saw that it was Logan.

"Oh my goodness I am so sorry!" Logan said while holding his hand out to help me up. "I wasn't paying attention, I didn't see you I am really sorry!" I grabbed his hand & stood up & saw that his face was genuinely full of concern. If it was Justin he would of gone out of his way to knock me over.

This could be fun, or not. (Justin Bieber love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora