Chapter 5

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Justin's POV:

The nerve of Miss Cooper! Not only did she give me an F on my project, but then she expects me to work with Taylor on ANOTHER project! This women must really want me back in her class next year because I can't possibly work with Taylor. What a bitch.

And to make things worse I had to sit there for 40 minutes while Taylor & Logan flirted with eachother. It was sickening to watch. While I was watching it all I couldn't help but feel very annoyed at what I was seeing, what did Taylor see in this loser? Atleast he got lucky though, he was paired up with some nerd named Cody who would probably end up doing the whole project. Some people got all the luck.

So here I was, sitting in my math class with Ariana & Demi as she completely ignored me for her. I watched her, pissed off about everything in life, failing my first grade, being paired up with Taylor, watching Taylor & Logan walk off together after class (guess I just hated her that much everything Taylor did pissed me off) & now I was sitting here completely bored as my girlfriend ignored me. She wasn't even wearing the outfit we spent all night picking out!

"Did you see the new girl?!" Demi asked, catching my attention. "All the guys have been talking about her, saying she's totally hot."

I knew she was talking about Taylor, just by walking to my next class with Ariana I could hear guys talking about her but not knowing who she was. It was obvious that Ariana was jealous of this "new girl" who was getting all this sudden attention, I never explained to her that it was Taylor though.

"OMG I feel like I've been hearing about her all day & school just started!" Ariana said rolling her eyes, yup she was jealous. "She's probably all conceited & a slut who would want that."

I chuckled at what Ariana said, funny I hear the same about her. "It's Taylor, Taylor Gomez." I told Ariana, she looked at me her eyes going wide. First time she acknowleged me since class started 30 minutes ago.

"How do you know & why didn't you tell me?" Ariana asked, looking annoyed.

"Like I could get a word in, you were too busy talking about you the whole way here!" I told her getting mad that she would turn on me. "And I know cause I had her last period, in fact I'm partnered with her on a project." I finished adding the last part in there just to get a reaction from her.

She looked surprised & shocked at what I said. I could tell that me being partners with her bothered her by the way her mouth was set in a tight line, it gets like that when she's jealous. It's the only time I believe that she might actually care about me, or maybe it's just the reputation she gets with being with me that she doesn't want to loose.

"I knew she looked familiar!" Demi chimed in turning our attention back to her. "Whoa she really has changed."

"Well if it's Taylor I bet she's still ugly as before," Ariana snapped. "I bet the only reason guys are talking about her cause she looks like a slut now."

"I don't know Ariana," Demi started "I saw her today & she really does look really pretty....but you are way prettier than her, you are right she is a slut." Demi finished adding the last part when Ariana was giving her the death glare.

Then Ariana turned to me giving me an obviously fake pout. "Justy bear I don't want you working with that slut," She said rubbing my arm. "That ugly bitch might try and steal you away from me."

I rolled my eyes, like Taylor would be interested in me. Wait what am I thinking like I would be interested in her. "You have nothing to worry about babe, I'm not going anywhere" I said to her trying to reassure Ariana. "But if I fail this project we wont be able to see eachother that much this summer."

This could be fun, or not. (Justin Bieber love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt