Chapter 3

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"Stop fidgeting, you look great." Nicole insisted, pulling especially hard on my hair as she curled the last piece.

I had to give it to Nicole, she was a miracle worker when it came to makeup and fashion. She was currently curling my long golden blonde hair which was taking much longer than either of us expected. Nicole plastered a mountain of makeup on my face and around my vibrant green eyes, most of which I had wiped off. Natural makeup was more my style. I was dressed in a pair of short shorts and a tank top which showed more cleavage than I even knew I had.

"And the finishing touch." Nicole announced after she finished my hair. I turned to look at her and saw in her gripping a pair of black leather hooker boots with a four inch heel.

I think I broke my neck just staring at them.

"Thanks, but I'm going to stick with my converse." I informed, already sliding on the worn out gym shoes. They were old but they were my comfort, I wore them almost everyday if I could.

"But Kimber..." Nicole whined, crossing her arms in a huff.

"I let you do my make up and my hair, I even let you pick my clothes. But I refuse to wear those heels, we'd be spending the entire night in the emergency room if I tried walking in those." I informed, already finished tying the laces.

Nicole huffed again but dropped the subject. She sat down on my bed and slipped her own feet into the boots. So now I looked hot but Nicole looked heavenly. There was no comparing us because Nicole would beat me every time. I was okay with it though, Nicole flourished in the spotlight but I was more than happy to remain on the sidelines.

"Are you girls ready yet?" Nash called from where he was sitting on the couch in the living room area. When I exited the bedroom, I saw that he was draped across the couch in dismay. One of his legs tumbled onto the floor while the other one was hooked over the arm of the couch. His arms were thrown about carelessly, as was his hair but it worked for him as it always did.

"Yes, we're ready. Jeez, it's only midnight Nash, it's not like we're missing anything." Nicole muttered as she strutted into the kitchen to grab her purse and her keys.

Nash jumped up from the couch, his smile growing as he did so, "We're missing all the alcohol, if I don't get wasted tonight I'm personally blaming the both of you. And so help me, if I don't get laid tonight-"

"Way too much information." I informed quickly covering my ears as I did so. Nash was a good guy but he was still only nineteen so the only thing on his mind was alcohol and girls.

Nicole cleared her throat from the doorway, "Come on you two. The sooner we get to the party the sooner Nash can get hammered and the sooner Kimber can meet Lucas."

Nash's playful smile sobered and his eyebrows knitted together, "Wait what? You're meeting Lucas at this party?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. Rico said he was asking about me and-"

"You've been talking with Rico?"

Honestly, it was surprising that Nash didn't already know about this. He usually had every rumor memorized so he was always in the loop. The girls that he banged usually clued him in on a lot of things as well and it was no secret that I was befriending the Lucas' gang of thugs. Rico and I had talked almost every day this week, usually about random stuff but sometimes about Lucas as well. So it was strange that Nash didn't know.

"Yeah but just as friends. I don't know a whole lot of people here so he's been helping me with my classes." I stated quietly, messing with a strand of my curled hair.

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