Kind Of Boyfriend He Is

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Daniel; Protective

Dani is very protective. Although he loves his fans he is protective over me when around them because of some issues in the past. I love that Dani is like that around fans but it sometimes is unnecessary because half of the fans love me and do nothing but some are just plain old mean and stubborn because of them wanting Dani.  Or it can either be when a boy looks at me he'll go protective mode and hold you tight.

Kevin; Jealous

Kev is so jealous at times he would flip out when we go out sometimes. He always thinks a boy is looking at me when we go to the movies, or the mall. He would flip out and talk to me about it. Other times its just plain old cute because he get jealous over the smallest cutest things. It can be when you wear tight dresses he will be behind you or give you his jacket to cover up.

Devin; Cute

Dev is adorable in the relationship. He would always get you small gifts or roses and you loved that about him. Whether you were having a good day a bad day any time he would get you something. Although you love him doing this you always told him he didn't have to get you anything but he always would. He was the kind of boyfriend to do cute stuff to you in public or private. He would always hold you close, cuddle you, etc.


i've been gone for so long i'm so sorry guys. it was school taking so much of my time. i have some preferences coming out but if you want some imagines they are coming soon to hope you guys can bare with me. Also give me some preferences ideas

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