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Hello Beautiful Digaz! So it's been a long time since I've updated both my books but i have a good reason why i haven't.

So I had finals for all my classes so i can go to a new trimester in my high school. if you don't get it ill explain.

In my school we have 3 Trimesters to fit in 6 Marking Periods. In Marking Periods 1 and 2 we have the same 5 classes and that's Trimester 1, then for 3 and 4 we get 5 more different classes and that's Trimester 2, now we are in Trimester 3 and that is Marking Period 5 and 6 then we get 5 more today (Did that make sense).

Hopefully that made sense but the finals we take are just big test that sum up the things we learned and to see what we learned.

So hopefully you all don't mind that i am keeping my education first because i really want to graduate so yeah.

Updates coming soon. I promise, i have some preferences on draft so yeah watch out for those on that book

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