Happy Birthday 15th Seth

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So since Seth is friends with the boys i'm gonna do the same thing i did for Lexi. On how he feels about you so hope y'all enjoy. Although i feel Daniel, Seth, and Kevin are more close kinda, that leaves Devin not really knowing him i guess



Seth really likes you and Daniel being together. Since him and Daniel are basically brother. Whoever Daniel loves and feels happy with Seth feels the same way. Whoever makes Daniel happy makes Seth happy, cause seeing a happy Daniel is better than seeing a depressed Daniel like his other ex's. So knowing you weren't like his ex's Seth was happy about it


At first Seth was really not feeling your vibes. But after a while and seeing how happy you make Kevin he tried getting used to you. And he did after a while of hanging out he felt comfortable with you and the idea of you and Kevin dating. Seth felt the relationship was great with y'all


Seth really liked your vibes at first. Then he felt kinda off about you cause of things hes heard,so he turned into an investigator to see if they were true. So when he found out they where fake he was trying to build up your trust again. He really liked seeing you and Devin together


Enjoy Guys!!

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