Amidala's Tears

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By -------------------------------------------

by Ruby-Flame Jedi Queen


Is there any hope left over,
When I am betrayed, thrown away, and torn apart?
The tears I shed are but a reminder
Of what I have lost and left behind.
The tear in my heart can't be mended.
Not by healers, or anyone else recommended.
I look for the sun, but it is gone.
I look for the light, but there is none.
Is there any hope left over?

I keep searching and holding on by mere threads,
But my thread of life is being cut,
Little by little, day by day,
Time growing old along the way.
Is there any hope left over?

Wait, a ray, a ray of light,
A gift from the sunshine and angels above.
A message sent to me to say
Nothing is lost or thrown away,
Everything happens for a reason,
Though sometimes it can be very unclear,
but there is a reason I have been put here.
There is some hope left over.


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