She the Flower, He the Stone

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She the Flower, He the Stone

by Cindé of Naboo


She, the flower, and he, the stone
The place is gone where she would have grown
Uprooted, parched, her flowers torn
She turns to him, her heart forlorn
But he, unmoved -- his face is cold
His heart untouched, his thoughts untold
What feelings hide inside the stone?
She cannot know. And now she moans
And anguished cry of a dying soul
Love rejected takes its toll
Her leaves will fall like broken bones
For her, the flower, and him, the stone

He, the flower, and she, the stone
His life renewed, no longer lone
He turns to her, with petals bright
But she -- her eyes turn from the light
Her heart was broken once before
And now she gives her heart no more
Her living stem has turned to stone
And he is now the one to moan
Regret grows solid in his heart
Now he knows the other part
Forgiveness may be yet unknown
To him, the flower, and her, the stone

They, the flower; they, the stone
Their loves and lives are not their own
Like timid children once again
They turn to face each other – then
A union blossoms where was none
Rock-solid bond – and they are one
And they knew hardship, hard as stone
A tear for every joy they've known
Joy and sorrow; tearful, glad
Mingling, forming what they had
Two parts never more alone
They, the flower and the stone


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