Padmè/ Anakin's Prayer

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Anakin's Prayer
(companion piece to 'Padmé's Prayer')

by Robert Rhoden


The Force flows in my blood, a gift, a call
To see the Light and Darkness of the worlds
Through which we run yet stumble, fly yet fall,
Yet rise again, higher, on starlit winds.
O love, your love flows warm there too: a gift,
A call of gentle flame untouched by night,
Shining above the deep and unbridged rift
That I must one day cross-and you must not.
Love, angel of sunlight, keep watch for me.
Though I fall to shadow and your heart break,
Remember me and wait, that I may see
The bright and burning path that leads me back,
Toward your eyes and heaven and the sun.
The Force has its darkness, but you have none.

Padmé's prayer

At night I lie awake, alone, my love,
And think of you, adrift in your dark night,
And of a summer's day when, high above,
I saw the blackened moon dim heaven's light.

It slid like death, so chillingly precise,
And turned the clouds to smoke, the fields to dust,
While I stood silently, my skin like ice,
And wondered how so bright a star was lost.

As then, the world is cold with shadows now;
I wander as a ghost, you as a wraith.
Our dreams are smoke and dust, and yet somehow,
The shadow of your love renews my faith
That there will come the day, the hour divine,
When this, bright star, will pass—and you will shine.



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