In My Darkest Hour (Anakin to Padmé)

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In my darkest hour, greatness offered in form of power
I'm so confused as these conflicting thoughts oft tower
Over this force consuming me so deep I cannot hide
As I seemingly can trust no one with emotions confide
    Praying for the rage to end, but from myself no longer cower

A disturbance so potent like a Ral's venom it showers
Blinding me from the good inside as Sarlaac devours
Forgive me for I no longer know truth from who lied
    In my darkest hour

Much becoming a Rancor I feel your eyes to me glower
Your my last hope, don't turn from me my Padmé flower
I will return to balance the force atoning the tears cried
Now I must be someone else before by my hand you die
Don't give up on me as for new hope my soul to scour
    In my darkest hour

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