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India Pov 😢🙏🏼😌

I looked down on August. And he was crying😭and drinking hennesy 🍾. I really hate lookin down at him when he looks so miserable. It hurts so fuckin bad. I looked at God with tears in my eyes and he looked back at me. Then I looked away back at my baby(James), he was wit August crying also. I don't want to miss his high school graduation, and miss his first day of 1st grade, or even miss his first gf. I cried my eyes out to death😭😭😭. I wanna feel pain again , and I wanna feel human touch. I want to tell August I love him , and I wanna hear him say it back😔. It's like I'm just not loved anymore.

God Pov 🙏🏼🙏🏼

I feel so bad for India , I mean I did take her away from her family for like 4days. I can relate to her situation , and I couldn't go back but I'm will to let her go back , I'm God🙏🏼 , not the Devil👿. I make ppl smile😊 not sad😔. So I'll give her a chance to go back. I love her so much , and I'll be a King not a jerk.

India Pov 😳🤒🤕😷😌🙏🏼

I was talking to an angel and all of a sudden my body disappeared in heaven and went back to my old body on the hospital bed. I was coughing water on the hospital floor. I startled one of the nurses in my room.

I was coughing out a lot of water on the floor. "This can't be right"a doctor yelled. After I was done coughing out water I was so tired. My eyes were so blurry , the sun was so bright, but I noticed it wasn't the sun it was god. "India I'm so sorry , but u need ur life back"God said. I smiled and cried a lil. "OMG , DIDNT SHE PASS AWAY"a nurse yelled. "Yes"I said in a tired voice. I was so weak , tired , hungry and dirty. "But we r happy to have u back beautiful"a nurse said. I smiled😌. "We r gonna call ur family"a doctor said. "Nooo...."I said in my weak voice. "Y"she asked. "I want this to be a secret"I said. "Well let's get her into surgery, cleaned up, and fed"the nurse said.

3hours later,

I felt super good , but I was still weak. I called it a night and fell asleep.

To Be Continued...............

India's awake 🙏🏼😳🙏🏼😳🙏🏼😳.

She doesn't want anyone to know😳.

Sorry for any mistakes.

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