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August Pov 😴

I saw India and Travis Scott sitting at a table in cheddars. I don't got any type of beef towards Travis, but he kinda had a eye on Miracle for a while , but he riding around with my baby momma , niggas be confusing me half the time."Babe do we have to come to cheddars?"I asked. "Yes duhh , I'm hungry asf and this was the only place"miracle replied. "My baby moms right there tho"I said. "Ok...and?"miracle questioned me. "And I gotta talk to her real quick"I told. "Ight well I'll be over there after I order the food"she said.

India Pov 😒

"So u finally made it out here"I said to Travis. "Well yea , Cz I got songs to do out here , I gotta perform als--"Travis gets cut off by August"wasssup". "What'd up"Travis said dryly , adjusting his hat. "hey"I said annoyed already. "So when u gone let me see my son?"he asked. "We can have a different day to conversant on our son Cz I don't need everyone in the business"I said. "Ight , but hyb , so I'm guessing y'all dating now?"he tried to put the puzzle together. "Nah , she just cool ppl's that's all"Travis. "First of all y u care if we ain't or not?"I asked.

"Cz I've been seeing y'all on the blogs , new power couple and I just wanted to ask that's all"he replied. "Hello everyone"miracle came over and smiled at me and Travis. "Hey"I said. "Travis u can't speak?"she said with a smile. "Nah I'm straight"he said on his phone. "So u gone be dry as hell?"miracle said. I get that Travis is laid back but , something ain't adding up on there little situation. "Miracle don't start this shit with me"Travis said getting aggravated. "Anyways, how are u India?"she said smiling. "I'm fine how r u"I asked her. "Oh I'm doing great , actually out here doing my thing , how's it being a mother and having ur baby daddy like get taken away from u?"she asked. "He did not get taken away from me actually"I said with attitude. "India chill out"August said. "AUGUST STFU"I throw my paper at him , and walking out,  tryna hide that I'm mad.

Travis ✌🏼️

I don't do drama , but India my girl so I'm with what ever she got going on. I headed outside to her, "India u good?"asked her , while she shaking with anger , with her head lifted up trying to not cry. "Nah bruh"she said with her voice cracking. "Look at me , she was just tryna make u look stupid in there , don't let her get to u"I said. "It's not even her man , it's that he my sons father and he still does me wrong like fuck miracle the bitch , they should of named her ass disaster after what the fuck she started..........UGHHH"she screamed with anger. "LET THAT BITCH TRY ME TF AGAIN , I'M SO SICK OF THESE STUPID ASS HOES THAT TRY ME OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN"she said taking off her jacket and running towards the restaurant.

"WHERE TF U AT BITCH"she said while I was going after her.

To Be Continued..................

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