Ch:6 Money matters

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[Bonus very short story and suggested song for the chapter ^^ Happy reading.]

An year later.

My job sucked big time.

Those wonderful times spent in college including the terrible exam weeks seemed like a far fetched reality.

I still had my friends to hold onto, who ensured that my nights and weekends went blissful but the rest of the day was always pathetic.

There were only 2 students who made it to this glorious high paying company. One was unluckily me.
The other was a guy in the editing team.

What did I do?

Well I basically sat and kept updating the brand ambassador contracts of all companies. So that the moment one is about to end or terminated we can ready our celebrity to grab it. Besides that I also looked up TV shows up for hire, anchoring opportunities etc.

Why did it pay so well?

Simple they needed people who never missed opportunities and would be on their toes all the time.

Well the celebrity didn't do much, Deah Singla did most of the work. I was in her research time, while she was responsible for managing the PR of two B-Town biggies. I gave her the heads up and she did all that she could including dirty politics to get the celebrity who needs that advert. based on his/her profile and strategy.
She did the other promotions and stuff too.

I wanted to be where Deah was. That was a long way to go. But here's the thing, giving a heads up wasn't a tough job for me.

All I had to do was make friends in the companies in my list. They would themselves notify me of any change.
Yeah but these friends weren't free of cost, a cut and it's all settled.

My job thus mainly involved ensuring these friends don't backstab and prioritize another PR firm over ours.

The way to ensure this was simple, know the bait and throw the bait.

So, in the start it was all very thrilling, building contacts, keeping tabs, luring etc. etc.

But now when all was smooth the thrill was over.
The only reason I was holding onto this job was that it paid well.

"Ms. Kapoor what's the current stat on Lasmé for blobby?" Said Deah walking upto my cubicle in our room.
She never addressed me by my first name.
But we sure had our nicknames for the celebs because once you know their reality your level of admiration stoops down to indifference.

"Looking for a mix. One is not a crowd puller. 4 considerations are on the table. Top-2 will lead the way, one for beauty products, the other for the hair products range. Newbie tough to knock, hit the oldie she needs to be replaced- by our client of course!" I smiled and gave my prompt reply, handing the details I had printed out in advance.

"Good job! I love the way you work, you always have everything I need!" She smiled and took the paper from my hand.

I know that you conventional pretentious bitch.
I can do this better than you.
You are just lucky to be on the other side of the table.

I wanted to say.

"Gee Thanks. It's all a part of my job!" I said.

I needed that incentive.
Blame selfish needs.
Outright honesty can take a break.

She nodded and stomped away on her pointed fucking heels.

I stood up on basic ballerinas, straightened my pants and creasing my tucked in black shirt I walked towards the coffee area.

THE UNUSUAL FANGIRL -StarStruckDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora