Ch:17 Cryptic ❌

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Ok Hi guys. You know how I've been posting these micro stories all this while. Well I wrote a 10 word story for Arats Group Contest and guess what?
I stood first yay! So this chapter is dedicated to the lovely organisers- aratsgroup
Now read on.

What do you mean it's not his child?" I asked with my voice pitching a little high.

"I mean its not his child!" Rohan said throwing his hands up in the air and pulled his hair.

"Then who's is it?" I said getting up too.

"Will you guys calm the fuck down and talk like mature adults!" Tavish scolded us and we both sat down meekly.

"It's mine!" He said releasing a breath.

"What do you mean it's yours?" I asked wanting to ensure I was thinking right.

"Rhea is pregnant with my child!" He said closing his eyes.

"What? How? I mean..." I couldn't string together a sentence in my shock.

"Rhea hasn't attempted suicide just once Anvika!" He said with a sigh and my eyes widened

"Rohan Buddy can you please just spill out the full story clearly?" Tavish chipped.

"A little more than a month ago, I was at this success party for our cover shoot. And considering how stressed out I have been after you know,... Janame's demise, I may have gone overboard with my drinking!" Rohan said his lips quivering at the mention of Janame's death.

"What next?" I asked bracing myself for the story.

"So I reached home, in my drunken state only to find Rhea in a messed up state about to drink rat kill. I rushed and threw away the bottle." Rohan said fury marking his eyes.
His genuine concern was crystal clear from his eyes.

Sighing he began again.

"She was crying Anvi. She was getting normal a few days before that day but then while I left her alone for a night like me she too drank up. I guess that triggered her emotions and she got into that state. You don't know how bad it hurts to see her cry like this, but another suicide attempt just blew my lid off! I slapped her." He finished a tinge of guilt marked the contours of his face.

"What? How could you?" I chided kicking him hard to which he winced.

"Anvika let him finish!" Tavish scolded me.

We both nodded towards the respective persons who were scolding us.
In the scenario I had the dual role.

"She wasn't getting up. Rushing for the knife. Her behaviour was explosive my soothing and scolding wasn't working. It was a measure of last resort and if may confess pent up fatigue and exasperation. But luckily for me it did the trick and calmed down. Not wanting to stretch it further, I just hugged her to myself and pulled her to her bedroom. Though when I sat her down on the bed she kissed me. I was already sloshed and fuzzy. I tried to peel away from her but she kept pulling me back, i fucking bled from one of her scratches on the neck. Though I pushed her and got up.
Trust me I tried to maintain my senses.
But she took her top off and kissed me again and then I was a hormonal drunk man I don't even clearly remember the flow of things after that but we both were laid together absolutely nude next morning. I didn't even get a second guess hope moment because we weren't even covered in a blanket! Aaaarrrgghhh I am a fool!" Rohan stood up shouting the regret and frustration coming back to him.

THE UNUSUAL FANGIRL -StarStruckWhere stories live. Discover now