Wilder Mind

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If you're wondering, Nicole did buy the book. I know this because I saw her and her best friend Brie in the bookstore. I was with Sid at the time. At about four PM, my parents give me some good luck money for school every year and as its my last year in high school, they gave me $50 instead of $30.
"That's not fair!" Laura said when she saw that she had $20 less than me, "I'm starting high school, don't I get an reward for that"?
"What about me, idiot!" Kaia yelled. We were all in the kitchen , standing in front of the kitchen counter whilst my dad stood behind it.I felt like a soup kitchen boy, begging for food.
"Girls! Can't you just be happy for your brother"?! Dad yelled.
"No, he's an idiot". Kaia basically spat in my face.
"I have feelings as well". I muttered.
Mom was at the back of the kitchen washing dishes from last night and breakfast, that's what she pretty much did most of the time, clean. I knew Kaia and Laura got scared to watch her do her chores as they were scared because that may be them one day.
The girls apologized and I thanked my dad and called Sid.
"What's up"? He said when he picked up the phone.
"Some people like to say hello...like normal people".
"Well, I'm not really normal so I'm just going to stick to my way of doing it".
I laughed because that's what I do in awkward situation.
"Conner, are you choking"? Sid asked as I laughed.
"I'm laughing, Sid".
"No, you're choking".
"Ugh, whatever", I whined like a little girl, "do you want to meet me at the bookstore"?
"You can't start your sentence with because, this isn't elementary school anymore".
"I don't really care about punctuation".
"Well when you fail English and then your senior year, I'll be laughing at you like there is no tomorrow".
"Just shut up Sid and listen".
I exhaled.
"My dad just gave me my good luck money-"
"I wish my parents gave me as much money as yours did".
"Shame for you". I say , complete dryness to my tone.
"Stop being such an asshole,Conner. I'll see you there".
"I'm not being an asshole, I'm being serious and...stern".
"Just move your ass and meet me at the bookstore won't you"?
"Fine!" I snapped and slammed down the phone.
I sighed and let my face fall into my hands...only to remember something really important to tell Sid. How could I forget something so important! Ugh, I'm such a loser! I'm know I'm losing my mind so I'm definitely a loser.
I dialed him again.
"I forgot something really important".
"What did you forget"?
I could barley bring myself to say it I was so scared.
"What did you forget, Conner"? Sid repeated.
I put my free hands to my lips and started nibbling the skin on my fingers.
"Uh, I kind of forget that I was supposed to pick Jessie up today to help her find new shoes for tomorrow".
Silence. I've screwed up really bad.
I know, not very good language, but language is not my priority. I know the other person writing this book is supposed to be really poetic and shit so you'll have to be patient and wait for them.
I'm just a really shitty writer.
"She is going to stab you to death...literally".
I sighed and then realized something.
"Wait, she hasn't called me yet. That must mean that maybe it's not too late".
"No, she won't call you , that's one of the signs showing that she's about to plot revenge on you".
I had never really pissed off Jessie so much that I've begun to fear my life, Sid is usually the one to do that because he doesn't take her requests seriously. I on the other hand take Jessie's requests very seriously, maybe because I have a crush on her even thought I shouldn't, because she's a lesbian. I've gone to shops to her before when she doesn't feel like it, I've had to buy tampons for her and once...a pregnancy test. It wasn't for her though, especially since she's a lesbian. It was just for her Mom. Apparently Jessie's parents got really rough that night. Her mom didn't fall pregnant though, thank god.I don't think my parents have made love since Laura was created. They just don't , it's part of their 'religious policies' which I don't believe in. Jessie is not a virgin though, she did it with Lizzie from what she told me.
Jessie also does things for me, she doesn't just boss me around like a slave. She likes taking care of me when I'm sick and barely lets me do anything myself, she even feeds me. She says she wants to adopt a Asian baby one day and likes practicing on me which is really creepy. She says she doesn't want to get pregnant because she doesn't want to get fat and miserable. If Jessie was straight, I would know that she'd definitely get pregnant one day. But Jessie is a lesbian and has no interest for sleeping with a man.
I just couldn't  believe I would forget about doing something for Jessie, how have I suddenly become such a terrible friend?
"I have to call her man, but I'll still see you at the bookstore". I said.
"No, I'm waiting straight here in my room until I know they you have to talked to her. It's not safe to be out in the streets with a mad woman on the loose".
"You're scaring me , Sid".
"Grow up ".
"Fine, I'll call her".
She answered on the fifth beep.
"Conner, lovely surprise to hear from you". The sarcasm came out of her mouth as if it was poetry.
"I'm so so so sorry Jessie".
"I've just been so worried about going to school and everything and all my family is talking about is collages and I get the feeling I'm going to fail this year".
"Also, Laura has this idea that she's obese and she's asking me if she's obese like seventy times a day and one day she asked me if she was skinny and I told her she's not skinny because she's curvy and I think Kaia is becoming a really bad example for her because Laura then told me I was a fucking asshole and I cried".
"Of course you did Conner".
"She's a very scary kid when she's on her period".
"If she's on her period, she's no longer a kid. She's a woman now".
"I once had an erection in public because I saw a porn magizene and Laura screamed and told me I was gross and a perv so I don't think she's a woman yet".
"You didn't need to tell me that, Conner".
She sighed.
"Speaking of Kaia, when you became an asshole and bailed on me-"
"Shut up".
"I decided to call Kaia and she's coming to help me".
My face literally felt like it was about to burnt off, well mostly my ears because I think they were melting.
Suddenly, my door opened and Kaia stood there. She wore a red plaid shirt and denim jeans. Her long brown hair was loose and she had some black earring on that made her look much older then she is. Did I ever mention that the only friends that Jessie has is Sid and I? Well I can't remember so I'll tell you that Sid and I are Jessie's only friends. I'm usually her shopping assistant and it seems like Kaia who has known Jessie as long as I have seems to be my replacement. I don't understand, Kaia is just a kid! She's a stupid fifteen year old who has extremely loud sleepovers with her stupid friends and they talk about boys and how they want to get to first base with a boy.
I want to get to like tenth base with a girl and they're still on first base!
"You're an asshole, you know that". Kaia spat.
I ignored her and held the closer to my mouth.
"I hope you enjoy yourselves". I muttered.
Jessie laughed on the phone that was stuck to my ear.
"We will".
She then slammed the phone down.
"You're just a big ole asshole". Kaia carried on.
I then turned my head and looked at my stupid sister who is going to the reason I die one day , I could see the evil sparking up in her brown eyes.
"Just go and steal my hot lesbian friend, just go". I attempted to scare her because my parents are homophobic so therefore I get the feeling that my sister is and I might just use this as an excuse just once.
"If you were a good friend, you wouldn't be using her special qualities against her".
I wanted to cry, I was losing my best friend to my sister.
"LEAVE MY ROOM , KAIA!" I yelled.
She left and I grabbed my phone to confirm with Sid.

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