Sweet Nothing

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Once Jessie arrived, we all squished into the car. Laura(who had gone as Miranda Sings) jumped into the vehicle first so she could be in the back. Laura has always had a thing for sitting in the back. Kaia( who was going as a goth) and Gabrielle (who was going as Lana Del Rey) jumped in together. Unlike the others, Nicole pushed in front of me so she could go to the back of the car with Laura.
Her moms had been really generous and invited my sisters and I to take pictures with the girls. Unfortunately,Nicole had become awkward and seemed completely against the whole thing.
I didn't know I was so intimidating to be around.
Yet, I wasn't ready to have to confront Nicole at the dance later all because she was miserable, I was going to do it in the bus. I jumped onto the bus, said 'hi' to Jessie who was sitting in the drivers seat in her Mortica Addams costume and she seemed happy to see me.
"Why do you look like you're in rush, Conner"? She asked me as I tried to rush to meet up with Nicole.
"Tell ya' later". I muttered.
"Um , okay, that's not weird at all". She replied.
I ignored her and squished between the seats. Nicole had already seated herself next to Laura. This scared me, because Laura actually has one of the biggest mouths in the history of mouths. She may sound all sweet and shit...but she's actually the reason I don't like going out with her.
Worst of all, she was already talking.
"You know it's a Halloween dance, right"? She said to Nicole.
"Yes...". Nicole replied, wearily.
"But...where's your costume"?
I could see Nicole was about to blow.
Quickly, I dropped myself onto the backseat so I was sitting next to Laura.
"This is her costume, Laura". I replied before Nicole could answer.
"Yes", Nicole said, "I'm the girl you wish you hadn't started a conversation with at a party from Saturday Night Live".
"You mean that stupid show that Conner stays up late to watch every Saturday"?
"Yes, that one Laura". I interrupted.
Nicole was then staring at me. Jessie had started the car and we had just driven out of the driveway.
"Do you want me to move"? Laura suddenly asked.
"Why would you think I would"? I asked.
She shifted a little closer towards me and grabbed the side of my head. She lowed my head so she could whisper into my ear.
"So you can look at Nicole properly ", she whispered, "it looks like she wants to see your stupid eyes properly".
I looked up at Nicole who looked suspicious (as usual) because something was going on that she wasn't aware of.
Laura then took off her seat belt and began to move to the seat next to Kaia and Gabrielle. It felt weird that my fourteen year old sister was acting like she knew everything about love. Nicole did move a little closer to me though, but I then realized it was so I could hear the whisper she was about to tell.
"Why isn't Laura riding with her friends"? She whispered to me.
I cleared my throat.
"Laura isn't the most social person in Preasly ".
"You mean she doesn't have any friends"?
"She has friends, she doesn't like having close friends. She's always seemed to prefer family".
Nicole shuffled her body , I was starting to get so uneasy. Nicole's mood seemed to be all over the place. She could be angry at me one minute and then asking to take a photo with me another.
"I'm actually quite like that, Brie is usually the one to get out of the house nowadays-well,was".
I smiled weakly.
"You love your family, don't you"? I asked.
She nodded.
"I'm seeing my dad on Tuesday and Thursday night and then I'm at him next weekend".
"Oh cool".
I had actually been to her Dad's house to research with her last week. He's a really cool guy, he seems to really care about Nicole and the rest of her family. I just can't imagine not living with my child all the time, it would rip me to pieces to know that they had another home. I don't know how other people do it, it's one of the reasons I'm so scared about getting married and then having kids with this person.
My plan so far for the future is as followed:

• Find a cool chick
• Make sure that she hates the idea of marriage
•Have children without getting married
•Live together with the kids
•This plan is terrible, I might as well get married

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