A Report

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Sitting quietly in the worn corner chair, Sang sightlessly stared out of the window, not realising that anyone had entered her bedroom until warm lips pressed gently to her nape.

She sighed with pleasure, revelling in the spring soap scent, "Is it bed time already?"

"Not quite yet," He replied, taking the matching seat across from her, the age lines only just beginning to show around his gorgeous grey eyes. "You came up here abruptly after dinner." He said it as an observation, inviting her to talk if she wanted to but also giving her the option to remain quiet. It had been a hard thing for him to learn but after years of being together, Owen had learnt that some things needed to remain personal.

"Were the children upset?" She hadn't wanted to worry anyone but after learning of her sister's and father's fate, she had needed a quiet moment to herself, to grieve.

He shook his head, the light from the lamp glinting of his glasses, "They're all old enough now that they understood. They're all excited about Celestia though and want to 'smother her with Sorenson love', I believe that is what Mason said."

She giggled, the sound still having the ability to pierce his heart with happiness, "I'm excited to get to know her as well, Owen. Marie had a daughter!" A tear streaked down her face as everything seemed to muddle within her chest, "I can't imagine the life she's had. And I'd hoped for so much more for my sister."

"She raised a strong little girl," He pointed out, knowing very well that Celestia had not shared the worst of her life with them but respecting her all the more for turning out the way that she had.

"She should never have had to go through any of it alone, Owen," Sang cried, sobbing now. "My childhood seems so far removed now because of what you all have done for me but she's grown up with no father, a mother on drugs and absolutely no one to turn to. I'll never forgive myself for not checking at least once."

Unable to see her so upset he drew them both to their feet and cradled her small frame into his chest, "We can't go back and change anything, Sang, but we know about her now. She's family and you know that I will do everything in my power to ensure her safety and happiness. All of us will."

She took a breath and sighed, loving him, "I know. She might have a hard time accepting the help though."

"No matter what, we'll always be there for her now."

She looked up, eyes soft as she watched the face of one of the men she had adored for over twenty years, "I love you, Mr Blackbourne."

"And I you, Miss Sorenson."

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