Chapter 3: DEATH

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I'm waiting in my chair with Alex on my left and Ember on my right. I look up from the floor when I hear the door creak open. I smile when I see Harlyn enter the room, my eyes follow her as she sits on the other side of Alex. Dr. Myers follows a few moments later and his eyebrows automatically crinkle in confusion and his eyes quickly roam the room.

"Where's David?" he asks.

We all shrug our shoulders and figure that he just felt like he didn't want to come today. That is until he barges in, his face like a ghosts and his eyes wide with horror.

"Aiden," he whispers before slowly dropping to the floor.

"He saw his kid too," I whisper in horror. Everything around me seems to be in slow motion; Harlyn crying wondering if David's dead, Dr. Myers assuring her that he's going to be fine, and everyone else freaking out because 3 out of 5 of us have seen our supposedly dead kids on the same day and only a week apart.

"What is going on?" Ember quietly asks me. I continue to stare off into the distance for I have no words to describe how I'm feeling right now. However, she keeps pushing me to answer her.

"Do you think they ever really died?" she asks bending down to try and look me in the eye. She continues to stare, but I can't seem to form words. Thoughts are racing through my brain at warped speed, but none of them come out of my mouth. Ember waves her hand in front of my face and I can see her mouth moving, but I can't hear what she's saying. I finally manage to pull it together when there's a short yet loud knock on the door. Who would interfere with a session? Dr. Myers looks as shocked as the rest of us as he opens the door to find a letter.

"What's this?" he asks as he walks over to his desk in order to open it. He stares at it for a moment before dropping it, his jaw hanging open. None of us move until my curiosity gets the best of me. I stare, shocked at what the paper has on it;
One by one, DEATH will await you.

I continue to scan the paper and at this point I've probably read it over 20 times but I can't seem to look away. The other girls are crying and David and Alex are like me, they have no idea what to do. I open my mouth to say something, but instead of words coming out I just stand there with my mouth hanging open like an idiot. 

"I...I...," I attempt to say something, but it doesn't quite work out.

"Does this mean our kids are alive?" Harlyn asks barely above a whisper.

"This whole time...," Alex stops, but he doesn't have to finish his sentence for the rest of us to understand.

I soon realize I'm still clutching the paper so I release my grip and watch as it floats to the floor. It's a simple lined piece of paper with just 12 words, but in less then 15 seconds it has brought me the most pain I've ever experienced. 


This chapter is super short, but I thought this would be a good place to leave off. Don't forget to vote and check out my other book. Love you all<3 :)

Stay beautiful, Stay weird, Stay amazing


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