Chapter 6: Not Seen

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Alex is much more calm when it comes to seeing his daughter and honestly I don't know how he does it. He quietly walks into our therapy room and acts like nothing has happened. I attempt to make eye contact, but he refuses to so much as look up from the floor. Once our session is over I'm forced to tear my eyes away for a split second to grab my bag and when I look back up he's gone.

"Did you see where Alex went?" I whisper to Harlyn. She shakes her head no and turns back to speak to Dr. Myers. I sigh and stomp out before viciously pressing the buttons on the elevator. I lean against the cold medal and close my eyes for a split second.

"Hold the elevator!" I hear a voice yell and a strike a hope flows through my body when I see Alex running my way with his hand up. I manage to stick my hand through the closing door moments before it closes. He doesn't speak once he enters the elevator and instead focuses on pressing the buttons.

"So.." I start, but he cuts me off.

"Don't," he states, slightly putting his hand up," I'm already scared to death as it is."

I crinkle my eyebrows," What do you mean?"

"I mean," he says turning towards me with wide eyes," I didn't see her."

I stare at him with a blank expression before the elevator door opens and we slowly walk out.

"I..I," I have so many things to say, but I can't seem to let any slip out.

He sighs and once again turns to face me," I looked and looked and I just didn't see her. Look I don't know what the hell is going on and honestly Teegan I don't want to find out."

"What does that mean?" I ask slightly raising my voice," Your daughter could be out there and you don't even care?"

He sighs once more," As far as I know, my daughter isn't alive. I didn't see her. Maybe all of you were just imagining it." He shrugs and then crosses his arms.

"All of us?" I seethe poking my head out.

"Yeah," he says lightly," Maybe Ember thought she saw her kid and then everyone else got kind of got paranoid and thought they saw their kids too."

I scoff while rolling my eyes before stomping out. I ignore him calling behind me and throw myself into my car. He bangs on the window and says something I can't make out, but I continue to ignore him and he finally gives up when I pull out and drive stiffly down the road.

You guys don't even know how sorry I am that I haven't updated in almost 2 weeks. I could make up a ton of excuses, but I'm not going to do that. I am going to tell you the truth which is that I just didn't have any ideas and I was not feeling inspired. I promise I'm going to get back to it and be better at updating and better at making my stories good. Love you all❤️😊

Stay beautiful, Stay weird, Stay amazing

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