Chapter 4: Breakdown

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 "Mom! Hurry! We're going to be late to my first game!" I roll my eyes as I look over at the clock. We still have an entire hour before we actually have to be there.

"Sweetie trust me we will not be late!" I yell in order for him to hear me.

"Mooooom," he drags out as he slumps into my room," It's a baseball game not a beauty pageant." I laugh as I look down at all the makeup sprawled out. 

"Let me clean this up and then we'll go." He sighs, but nods his head and makes his way back to the living room.

I slowly open my eyes back up and the memories start flooding back in and I can feel tears form in the corner of my eyes. I look around and notice Harlyn, David, Ember, and Alex in the same position as me. 

"Don't we need to call the police or something?" Ember asks wearily. 

I see Alex shaking his head," They won't believe us. They're just going to say that we're delusional because we miss our kids."

"What if we are?" I ask. It feels good to finally get that out. The same question has been haunting me for the past few weeks, ever since Ember claimed that she saw her kid. They all look around at each other with wide eyes, all wondering the same thing. 

"What do we do then?" Harlyn asks.

"The only thing we can do, wait 2 more weeks and see if Harlyn and Alex see their kid," I say shrugging my shoulder. Harlyn sighs and shifts her weight to her right foot before clumsily falling into a chair. 

"I don't know how I'm going to be able to see Mason again," she breathes out. The rest of us stare at her and all of a sudden she begins to laugh crazily, her body jerking forward as she slumps farther and farther into her chair. I tilt my head towards everyone else and they all wear the same expression, a mixture of confusion and terror. Once the laughter dies down slightly I look back at Harlyn to see what she's going to do next.

"All these years I've wished I could see Mason just one last time and now I'm dreading it," I strain to make out what she's saying and when I finally fit the pieces together I hang my head, completely understanding where she's coming from. I pull a chair next to her and wrap my arms around her shoulders. She takes this gesture as an invitation to nuzzle her face in my neck. I awkwardly pat her back as she shakes underneath me, feeling the back of my shirt and neck getting wet with her tears. 

"Its ok," I whisper," We all understand." I look up and glare at them, a sign for them to start helping. Ember's eyes shoot open after a few seconds and she shuffles her feet so she's standing behind Harlyn. I remove my hand as Ember starts rubbing her back after squatting so she's eye level with her. Harlyn turn her body towards her and Ember gives me a slight nod to let me know that it's ok to leave. I slowly make my way over to where Alex is standing and it takes me a little extra effort to get his attention, for his eyes are fixated on Harlyn and Ember. 

"Are you ok?" I ask him quietly once we are alone. He sighs and doesn't answer for quite some time.

"I don't know," he finally says," I just don't know how I'll feel when I see him since it's been 8 years." I nod my head and cringe at the pang of sadness in his voice. It's hard to believe that after all these years we get to see our kids again, but all of us wish we never did.


UGHHH sorry for not updating in like 20 years, I'm just so busy with school and all that crap. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote, comment, and check out my other book! Love you all<3 :)

Stay beautiful, Stay weird, Stay amazing


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