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I got tagged in this a while ago by highnotehemmings but I never actually commented on it. I'm doing it now though and like she said GIRL on GIRL hate is such an awful thing. Girls should be inspiring each other instead of choosing to judge and knock each other down. Teenage girls honestly can't have an interest in anything without being ridiculed for it. If a girl likes ugg boots and Starbucks she's stupid and stereotypical, but if she likes combat boots and obscure coffee houses she's a hipster wannabe and she's trying too hard. If a girl likes sex she's a slut and a whore, if she doesn't then she's a prude. If she wears makeup she's fake (and don't even get me started on the "take your girl swimming for a first date" crap), but if she decides to not wear makeup she could be considered over confident with her looks or she's a slob. If she listens to boy bands or other popular artists she's a dumb follower, if she reads comic books and plays video games she's not really a "geeky" girl and she's just trying to get guys. If a girl makes the decision to love herself she's over confident and vain, if she has low-self esteem she's trying to get attention and needs to learn to appreciate herself. If she's interested in politics she's a crazy justice warrior or she doesn't know what she's talking about and if she decides to distance herself from social matters she's a dumb airhead and should be involved in the things going on around her. Girls are literally mocked for every single thing they like or do, no matter what those things are, and you know what? I'm really really sick of it.

I tag anyone who sees this even if you aren't a girl to take this challenge and spread love for everyone around you and to never criticize anyone for what they enjoy to do.

Stay beautiful, Stay weird, Stay amazing

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