Chapter Thirteen

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"The elusive Madam'selle Bordreaux," Sterling said, flourishing showily, and kissing her small gloved hand. "Its a pleasure to finally meet you." He grinned rakishly at Alex. "You didn't quite describe her beauty to the right degree."

  "Good evening," she answered generously, her eyes glittering.

Alex clamped down on his teeth.

"Isn't she just lovely, Alex? You've been holding out on me, man!"

Alayna blushed.

"You flatter me, sir," she said.

"Ah, but flattery is insincere, as well as dangerous. And rest assured, I mean the things I say."

Alex felt that Sterling was laying it on a bit thick, but then again, Alayna seemed to enjoy his attentions. He wondered if she knew Sterling's true intentions- a bit of flirtacious debauchery. Surely she wasn't so naive as all that.

  "Allow me?" With a flash of his bright blue eyes, he offered her his arm. And so innocently, and seeming taken by the devilish smile, Alayna took it. How she glittered and sparkled and shined.

   A pang of envy stabbed at his stomach. She never looked at him like that.In fact, he didn't think he had ever seen her as happy.

   Alex snorted, and accredited her light to pride.

Vanity. It had to be vanity. She never got such attention like that from from him. He silently wagered to himself that if he paid such attention to her, she would warm up to him like a kitten to the milk maid- the way she had to Sterling. He guessed it was just his friend's personality. Women just flocked to him. Probably because he had a lot more charm, and tolerance for their bloody stupidities and frivolities. He had no use for their infernal poppycock.

   Though he seemed to tolerate Alayna's frivolities. The pup. Her insistence to take her old bed spread- and he smiled, following them.

  Every eye wandered after the three of them. Women spoke behind their fans, about the competition. Sterling Thompson was a coveted bachelor, and the sight of him taking to a strange French women angered every mother and eligible young lady.

  "Alex! Alex!"

He stopped, and looked for the source of noise.

There it came, walking quickly on tiny slippered feet, taffetta skirts rustling, silvery blonde curls bouncing.

   "Louisa, how nice to see you."

He cringed. Louisa.

"Its been ages since I saw you, dear." She smiled, her ice blue eyes gleaming.

"It has been quite a time, hasn't it?" He took her hand, pressing his lips to it.She giggled.

"Come, darling, walk with me for a moment," she pleaded, and took his arm. "There are so many things you must know about."

He nodded.

"I wish that Henry was here. He would so love a good long talk with you. But poor darling, he's home with Alise. She's six now, and they both have colds." She laughed in a loud, shrill voice. "I wager I should have stayed with them, but you know what a heartless beast I am. How have things been with you?"

  Her eyes searched his.

"Of late, Louisa, things have been mad," he sighed, and watched her expression change.

"We heard about your father- and every one is terribly sorry about it. But I suppose that isn't the source of the madness?" She was implying Alayna.

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