Day 2 part one

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Author's note: sorry it's been a while, been a little down lately. But getting back to writing I'll up more regularly.
Day 2
Today it a new day and should be a well one. I got up around 6 o'clock so I would have time to take a shower and eat breakfast. After I got done with the shower it was about 6:20, and I went out to the kitchen to smell eggos. Eggos were always good to eat. I had about three and got ready to leave for school. Yesterday was a short day for me because I had got in so late the other night. Today was a regular school day and it might be quite long. But we'll see.
"I'll see you later," my mom says as I leave.
"See you, love you, bye," I say back. My mom is the usually the one that says bye when I leave, even back in Alaska, but I don't mind, I know that my family loves me.
I get to the bus stop and wait, I notice there is another kid waiting. I didn't really recognize him, but I was my first real day. I keep my distance for now while I wait. Once the bus came I noticed he wasn't really eager to get in, so I went in ahead of him. He is a raccoon named Drake King. He was different than the others, he wasn't talking with the others on the bus. Maybe he just didn't feel well today, I thought to myself. He seemed like he would be a popular one because of his name, but I don't know.
"Hey, are you Drake?" I ask him from across the walkway.
"Ye..." That's all I hear from him. He turned shyly. I go back to talking with Brooke.
"Do you know the Drake kid over there?" I ask her.
"He looks kinda familiar." She replies. I look back at him to observe and I see that he is really close to the window like he doesn't really want to be here. Then I notice he grabs his phone from his satchel and it looks like he is texting someone.
"Why so interesting?" She asks me. I jump a little.
"I would like to get to know more kids from this school," I reply. Soon we get to our destination and we all get off except that Drake gets off last. I don't know why he would do that but I have a class to go to. My first period of the day is is English with Mr. World. It was a pretty easy class, all I had to do was write essays and answer some questions. But my second period was different. Math. The worst, most difficult class of all so far. We have to learn all trigonometric functions and be able to use them. I can't even remember which of them was which. One good thing about that class is that it is small and that one cute guy is in this class. Yeah I know that I am not being that specific but it is hard to describe that kind of cuteness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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