End of Day 1

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"Today was a good day, I liked that some people thought I was cute, but I really wanted Kyle or that lion to like me more." I say to myself walking home.
"Hey!" Yells Thompson or Thomson. I couldn't really tell because they were like twins.
"Hey." I say to them.
"Is it okay if we tag along?" They ask.
"I guess."
"So, do you have a girlfriend?" Asks Thompson.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Asks Thomson. Thompson elbows Thomson signaling not to ask that.
"No." I reply calmly, trying not to revile myself.
"Are you ever going to have a girlfriend?"
"Ehh, I don't know. Anyways this is my street so see yah." I say turning onto my street.
"K, bye." They both say at the same time. As I walk down my street, I let my mind wander. First I think of food, because I'm always hungry when I get home. Second is if I ever get a boyfriend or not. And at that part I let it wander a lot. Thinking about if I get a boyfriend or not made me think of what he will look like, how tall I think he will be, how big, and I think of what kind of relationship we will have.
I got home and went to the pantry to look for food. Then I noticed my brother's light was on. So I went to turn it off thinking he wasn't home. And that's when he hit me in the stomach.
"Oww." I say.
"Ehh, you'll be fine." Even though he is younger then me, he still has a strong punch.
"How come you're not at school?"
"School got out early."
"Your school get out after mine."
"Like I said, school got out early."
"Okay." I say in a sarcastic way and I walk out to get something to eat. This time I go to the fridge. I turn on the tv and switch through the channels. When I got to a show that looked good, my mother came with groceries. We had to help her. If we didn't help we would get our ass whipped. I helped mostly while my brother only put away one bag. We both got a treat for helping.
"You barely did anything," I say to my brother.
"I put away one bag!" He replies.
"I did more than one bag, I should get more of a treat." I say pouting. I go back to watching tv while my brother goes to his new expensive 3-DS. He is really spoiled, always wanting what was popular. I'm just glad to have food and family.
Dinner time came. We would all help clear and set the table, except for my brother. Then during dinner, we would each talk about our day.
"...and that's how my day went. How was your's Jake?" Asks mother.
"Mine was okay, got to meet a lot of new kids, made some new friends." I reply.
"Ohh that's good to hear." She says
"Anyone you like?" My brother teases me.
I just kinda ignored that question until my father asks to reply.
"Not really." I lie.
"How was your day?" My mother asks my brother.
"It was awesome, made lots of new friends. And a new girlfriend." He says. He always gets new girlfriends. Everywhere he goes, he finds a new girl.
"What happened to the last one?" Father asks.
"Broke up with her."
"Why?" Mother asks.
"It's long distance, I can't do long distances." He replies in somewhat a mean way.
"Try not to treat your mother like that please." Father says.
"May I be excused?" I ask.
"Yes you may." Father replies.
End of day 1

Jake the Furry Story (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now