New school Part 1

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Author's message: since I got done with this early I'm uploading this early. I will do this sometimes if I get done with them early.
We got here in San Francisco about ten last night. We only got enough time to get our beds in our new home. And the flight was really boring because I didn't have headphones for the most part of it. But I made it. Today I get to go to the new school and I'm glad my brother is too old for high school. He is only with us to save money. He is going to college and I'm glad he has class late on Monday's, Tuesday's, and Friday's.
"What is my new school called again?" I ask my father who is unpacking his work stuff. He works for some fancy business that I always forget the name. He never really answers because he is too busy. My mother is working as a teacher and the school wanted her to go to San Francisco for teaching native culture.
After I got up I had to wash my fur so that my neon green tinted fur didn't look like some glow stick juice got on me. I always liked my fur, it matched my purple eyes. Like shining a black light onto a plant, or a purple laser pointer on plants. Today is Tuesday so I had to bring money so I can work out.
"MOM WHERE IS MY FAVORITE SHIRT?" I ask while looking for in my box.
"IT SHOULD BE IN THAT BOX!" She replies.
"IT'S NOT THERE!" I yell.
I hate it when he takes my clothes. Especially my favorite ones. My favorite shirt has a white tiger one the front like it is walking towards you (the animal not a furry). I usually wear this kind of shirt and cargo pants with Nike™️ shoes. I would wear my trench coat but the weather station says it will be warm enough for a sweatshirt.
"I guess I'll wear a sweater with my fedora." I talk to my self but someone hears me.
"You can always wear a baseball cap." My little brother says annoyingly. He is six years younger than me and is very annoying. He once followed me while I was out with my friends, and he would talk to them too. Also he has a really imaginative mind. Sometimes he you play by himself or with his imaginative friend, Osipher. Osipher is a friend whose enemy is Mistake friend. Or was it the other way around.
As you can see that is all my family. Also the reason why I am gay is because I have to close brothers that will bother me. I got used to it but that changed my life entirely. But that doesn't matter.
Once I got all ready for school I went outside to wait for my bus. And of corse my little brother is there right next to me.
"Can I come with you?" He asks knowing that I go to a different school, but still wanting to go.
"You know you have school to go to." I say annoyed.
"Why can't I go to school with you?" He asks again.
"Well, because I am in a higher grade than you and you have to learn six more grades to go with me you little fucker!" I yell at him.
"Don't treat your brother like that." My father says while getting in his car.
"My big brother didn't treat me this way." I say under my breath.
"What did you say?" Father asks.
"Nothing." I say meanly.
"Good and don't treat me that way either." He replies.
'God why did we have to move, I had a better life before we moved.' I thought to myself while walking to my bus stop. It took about fifteen minutes for the bus to get here. There was only four other teens waiting for the bus, a squirrel, a otter, a lion, and a wolf. The female squirrel had piercings and was gothic by the looks of it. The wolf was small but had the attitude of someone who was in jail for years. The otter was average, looked like he loved to swim and read. He was reading the whole time. And the lion, he looked cute, but that was the only time I got to see him. I sat near the front because we were third to last stop. That means there were lots of students in the back all talking to each other, laughing, teasing.
"Mind if I sit next to you?" A female mouse asks nicely. Don't get her wrong, because she says something that I won't forget.
"Touch me and you will die." She says in that tone that is threatening and yet nicely.
"Don't worry, your not my type. Name's Jake." I reply.
"Brooklyn but call me Brooke." 'She seems like a nice girl for a friend.' I think to myself.
"One day I will kidnap Talor L., the guy off of Twilight, and marry him." She randomly says.
"I know who he is." Funny how I know who he is even though I hate Twilight. Must be because I watched Shark Boy and Lava Girl.
"Really you watched Twilight?" She ponders.
"No but he was on Shark Boy and Lava Girl." I answer.
"Haven't heard of the movie, must be a kiddie one."
"My little brother made me and my big brother watch it."
"He must be very annoying."
"Very!" I say enthusiastically. The rest of the ride was quiet for us but not in general. Once we got there I went to the front desk to ask for my schedule. The cat said it will be a moment. She is a blackish cat with one white tipped ear and one white tipped paw on the opposite side. Turns out she was printing it and apparently she knew my name.
"I'll get a student to show you around." She goes on the intercom and says loudly, "Can Kyle Fingly come to the front office, Kyle Fingly."
"It will be another moment, please wait." She says while putting the intercom away.
"Okay." I say while sitting down. It took a couple minutes for Kyle to come. I was hoping for the lion but nope, Kyle was a Lynx and a rather cute one. Not as cute as the lion though.
"Hello, my name is Kyle and I'll be you tutor."

Jake the Furry Story (boyxboy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin