Phase one.

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Dude in pic is Jake, enjoy my lovelys
-Misfit xxxxx

*Jessies POV*

Ok, I have got to stop bumping into people.

There was a really hot guy staring at me, he had brown eyes and had flippy hair.

"Whoops, sorry chap! I didn't see where I was going." He said in an australian accent. I felt like I was going to melt right where I was. He held out his hand and I stared at it, then I realized I was still on the ground. I took his hand and got up quickly.

"Sorry, It was my" I said. "Oh, sorry, the name's Trevor." He gave me a huge smile that looked like it would make puppys melt into little puppy puddles.

"Well... I think I should get going, it was nice meeting you Trevor." I said. "Oh, wait, please let me get you a drink or something to make up for bumping into you." He looked at me with those amazing brown eyes. I just couldn't say no, so instead of arguing with him I smiled. "Alright."


*Nathans POV*

I woke up and looked at my clock, it was 10:35 I looked closely to make sure that's what it said. I rarely got to sleep in, which worried me. I quickly got out of bed and quickly threw something on. I opened the door as carefully and as quietly as I could. As I rounded the corner I could hear someone in the kitchen.

"Damn..." Said a familiar voice. I continued to walk towards the noise. In my kitchen was a short woman with flowy brown hair, which was none other than my Aunt Sophie.

"Aunt Sophie!!!!!!!" I screamed out as loud as I could. "AHHHHH!!! JESUS CHRIST KID I COULDA HAD A DAMN HEART ATTACK!!!" She screamed. I just stood there laughing my ass off. I loved my aunt so much, she was like a mother to me, even though she looked pretty young. "Now come over here and come give your aunt some love." She held her arms out. I went to go hug her. "Wait" She scrunched up her nose, "first, go change into some clean clothes." I laughed and went upstairs to change.

When I came back downstairs after a shower I gave my aunt a hug and spun her around, did I mention my aunt is only 25?

"Oh look at you, 'Mr. Look at me I'm so strong'" She giggled. "Sorry, I'm just really happy that you're here." She brushed the hair out of my face. "Do they really get to you that much?" I knew she was asking about my parents, she was the only person that knew what I have to go through everyday, besides Shane. She tried to get custody of me, but my parents threatened to hurt her if she did.

I nodded in response. "Oh, baby" she reached out to me and hugged me "I'm so sorry, I thought they would have gotten over it, how do you do it?" She said stroking my hair. It felt nice, to be loved for once, since my aunt couldn't have kids, I was basically her son.

"I love you aunt sophie, and I'm so glad you're here." Tears were streaming down my face now, and I didn't care, I just hugged her, and I didn't let go.


*Jessies POV*

"So, where you from?" I asked taking a sip from my smoothie. "I'm visiting a friend here, I'll be staying for two months then I'm heading back home." I was getting tired so I sat down on a bench and he sat down next to me. I was getting a little nervous sitting next to Tevor since he was so damn gorgeous.

"So.....I have something a little personal to ask you, if thats ok with you." He looked at me sheepishly, I nodded for him to continue. "Are you, um, gay?" I looked at him, I was a little shocked he asked me that, but I answered it anyways. "Yea." He looked at me and blushed, "So am I."

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