Phase two

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Hey guys! Um, so first off, like I said last chapter, I am having some problems and shit which sometimes make me get off track. However, I will do my best to upload chapters, I will not just leave this story cus that sucks. So, I'm sorry, I am trying my best....
-Misfit xxx


*Jessie's POV*

"WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?!?!?!" I scream at Angie. Nathan had told me two days ago that we we're going on a date today. I thought I was going to be fine, but here I am freaking out over what to wear.

"Here, how about you go take a shower and I'll pick your clothes?" I sighed and went to take a shower. Angie didn't have bad taste, and I was freaking out so I just let her take over.

After I got out of the shower I changed into the clothes that Angie left out for me; a plaid button up, some black skinnys, along with a leather jacket and a black beanie. I 'fixed' my hair and went downstairs, but the ringing of my phone stoped me.

I walked over to my bed where I left it, I looked at the caller ID. It said unknown. I pushed the green button and put it up to my ear.


"Um, hello? Who is this?"

"Is this Jessie?"

"Yes.... and you are?"

"Oh cheers. I'm Trevor. Remember me? I kinda bumped into you the other day at the mall."

"Oh. Yea, I remember. Not to sound like a jerk or anything... but how did you get my phone number?"

"Oh, well after you didn't call or text me back I decided to ask around if anyone had your number. I didn't want to risk loosing a cutie like you."

"Sorry, I was just really busy..... Oh, I have to go, call you later?"

"Sure mate."


I got off the call just as someone knocked on the door.

"I'VE GOT IT!!!" Angie screamed from the kitchen.

"I'm looking forward to the day that she looses her voice." I turned around and saw Danny standing behind me.

"Aren't we all?" We chuckled and Angie glared at us.

"Have fun on your date kiddo, and if something happens call me. I put my number on speed dial on your phone." I rolled my eyes.

"Danny, I'll be fine. Stop worring about me." This time he rolled his eyes.

"Is it a crime to worry about my little brother?" I was about to open my mouth when someone else answered for me.

"No, but it is a crime to look that sexy." I turned around and was faced with a sex god. Nathan was standing by the door way wearing a black v-neck and some fitted jeans. I thought I was going to die right there, and Danny was right there behind me glaring at him.

"You done eye raping him?" Angie startled me and made me turn into a deep red of shade. 50 shades of red.

"Come on lets go before we both die right on the spot." Nathan took my hand and led us outside to his motorcycle.

"Here put this on." He handed me a helmet and put the other one on.

"Hold tight." He grinned and we sped off.

A few minutes later we were outside of a very familiar italian restaurant. I took my helmet off and got off of the motorcycle.

"Here we are." He took my hand and led me inside. It was really cute on the inside, last time I only saw the outside of it.

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