Well, what now?

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Waddup my beautiful creatures Currently listening to Disasterology by ptv. Love you all and have a great day/night!
                  -mistfit xxx


*Jessie's POV*

Oh my god, we were going to finally figure out who crashed into us. We drove down to meet with Officer James. On our way there Nathan and I held hands, I think we were both equally nervous. We had been waiting for what seemed like a long time and we were just hoping that after this we would be safe.

We got there, and Nathan got out ahead of me to open my door.

"Wow, what a gentleman." I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

"What? I just like making my baby feel like the king he is." We intertwined our hands as he led the way there and opened the door for us to go inside.

Officer James was there waiting in the lobby talking to another officer, when he saw us come in he walked over to us and led us into a room.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming by. I have some really good news to share with you guys, well Jessie already knows and I'm assuming that you know as well Nathan." Nathan did a quick nod. "So we think we've got the guy, all we need is your confirmation. Someone came in the other day and told us everything, we have a recorded tape and are currently holding them and the other person. I just need you guys to listen to the confession and then confirm the identity." We both nodded and he took out a small recorder and pressed play.

"Alright, I'm going to need you to state your name, and then you can tell us the rest."


"Of course. My name is Trevor Mclaugh. I, um, I...um...where do I start?"

"Why don't you tell us where you were on the night of the crash?"

"Right, well I was on the side of the road. Actually I was thrown out of the truck that crashed into the couple that night."

"Ok and can you tell us why?"


"The person who I used to work for, they wanted me to. We were almost there when I told him I didn't want to, I was going to turn the truck around, but they got all aggressive saying that it must be done or something like that. They grabbed the wheel and tried to take control. They weren't thinking properly. I tried to fight against them and turn the truck around but they somehow got around me and opened my door then pushed me out."

"Do you have any personal connection with this person besides working for them?"

There was a moment of hesitation


"Now, back to this employment. What type of work did you do for this person?"

There was a shaky exhale

"They made me do all their dirty work, things like making drug deals, stealing, gathering information and on some occasions harming others."

"I can tell you don't feel comfortable talking about this."

"I didn't want to do any of those things."

There was crying, the some shuffling.

"You mentioned it was a male?"

Another moment of hesitation.


"I need you to look at these pictures that we've gathered. We believe the culprit is one of these people, but we need you to tell who it is, and I believe you know."

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