lets chat? a/n

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Hey guys I finally got wifi after 3 whole months without service😓
(One of the reasons I didn't post at all)

I am so sorry, I know you all have been wanting another update, and just an fyi I do not plan to ditch this story I am actually in the process of writing another one.

A quick comment, I know some people may see some mistakes, be sure that once I finish this story I will re-edit a whole lot of this.

But yea, I have also just had the more horrid writers block ever, it didn't help that I had my own personal issues to deal with, but I am back and hopefully will write more stuff.

So how are you guys? I know many may not comment, but I just want to get to know you guys a little better. What's your favorite color? Do you prefer being called he/she/they? Coffee, tea, or coco? What bands/artists do you listen to?

I love you each dealy and hope that your day has gone well, or that there was at least a part of your day that went well. Remember to drink water and eat something, even if it's something small. This is a judge free zone and I know that you will do great things in life.

           -misfit xxx

The Jock and the EmoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora