Ice Ice Baby

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Holy frikn shiznits, WE AHVE OVER 4K READS???!?!?!???? WHAAAT????? DO I EVEN NEED TO EXPLAIN HOW FUCKING AWESOME YOU GUYS ARE???? *sending AWESOME telepathic high fives and hugs your way*


*Danny's POV*


I put my cellphone down and started pacing my room, the bare white walls enclosing me and suffocating my thoughts.

I shouldn't have called him, I'm not ready for this, last time was a complete disaster. Why did I think it was a good idea to call him while I was drunk????

"Fucking shit!" I swiped my lamp and a pile of books off of my bedside table and groaned as I heard the lamp shatter into pieces. I sat in my bed and put my head in my hands. It was too early to be stressing out this much, yet here I was, calling this freak who I knew would be up. Just like I always somehow knew.

I got up off of the bed and tried to go downstairs to get some breakfast without waking him up, only opening the door halfway before I heard a voice from my right.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I turned around and saw that he was awake, lying in his back with his hands behind his head.

"Shit, I'm sorry did I wake you?" I asked walking back to the bed and pressing a small kiss to his cheek.

"No, I've been awake for a couple minutes now." He chuckled and kicked his blankets off , then proceeded to get out of bed. "I'm always awake at this hour or earlier, I'm a morning person." He stretched his arms up flexing all of his muscles. I went up to hug as he was streching and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"You freak, how do you even function at this hour? Are you even human?" I asked as he laughed and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"No, I'm not a human, I'm an alien. An alien who is hungry and wants food before he dies of starvation." He said making me giggle.

"Let's go get you food then freak."

I shook my head and tried to get ready; today was not going to be an easy one.


I had the house to myself for the day; the only thing I needed to do was everything else.

I grabbed my keys and my half eaten bagel off of the kitchen counter and went to my car to go buy the stuff for tonight's dinner.

I drove until I arrived to the nearest grocery shop. I got out and went to buy a few ingredients, to make some sause from scratch, from the vegetable section, then I went go the seasoning section and panicked over which one was the right one. I went to get some pasta and ingredients to make a cherry pie. Finally I bought some expensive looking white wine. After paying for all of that I went to soem random florist and bought a bouquet of luscious red roses.

I parked the car in the garage and hopped out if the car with all of my bags. I threw the ingredients in the table and rolled my sleeves up.

"Ok, Danny, you can do this." I rubbed my hand together and started to prepair the dinner for tonight.


It was 3:31pm and I only had one hour and thirty minutes left to get ready. After eating a quick bite I jumped into the shower. I rushed and was dressed in black slack and a dark blue button up in twenty five minutes; this only left me about an hour to clean the entire house and make everything look nice.

It was finally 5 on the dot and I had just finished lighting the candles on the table as I heard the doorbell ring. I blew out the match and threw it in the sink, I smoothed my shirt out and walked towards the door. I took a deep breath and turned the knob. Avan was standing behind the door holding a bouquet of white roses and wearing something similar to what I was wearing but instead of a dark blue button up, he was wearing a purple one.

The Jock and the Emoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें