Chapter 2 - The New Victims

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The Embers Avenue

October 13, 2015


A man at 6'2, short brown hair, after shave, tan, and dark brown eyes walks around the club holding his beer, he glances across the club to sees a couple dancing together. One male stood at 5'11, curly brown hair, and piercing green eyes. His boyfriend Stood at 5'9, short brown hair, a little bit of aftershave, and sea green eyes. He walks up to the couple and gets to know them. The curly haired ones' name is Jack Morrison and his boyfriend; Timothy Billard. The man introduced himself as Jason Miller. Jack talks about how his sister, Sarah, is an actress and just got a part in a musical in town so they were out celebrating. Timmy stretches, "I shall be right back, I have to go to the little boys room."

"Hurry back babe." 

As the couple kiss, Jason poured something into Jack's drink.

Timmy runs off, Jack and Jason continue to talk. "So how long have you been gay?", Jason asked.

"Since I was born. What kind of question was that?"

"Well, when did you come out to your parents?"

"Didn't have to, they kind of knew from the start."

"Your parents are ok with that? Your sister?"

"Yeah, they don't mind."

"Is your family Christians?"

"Yup, praise the lord our god!"

Jason glared at Jack, "Here." Jason hands Jack his drink.

"We toasting?"

"To God, our father.", Jason says raising his glass.

Jack clinks his glass and drinks. After a while longer of dancing, Jack passes out onto the floor. Jason picks him up and carries him outside.

Timmy finally gets out of the restroom, "Jack? Jack?" Timmy looks around and notices he left with the man, "JACK?!"

Forest Park


Aaron, Spencer, and Derek show up on scene. A cop is talking to a bicyclist about how she came across the body. "I was just out doing my late-night biking when I saw a man, I asked if he was ok then noticed he was dead, I called 911 immediately.", The female bicyclist explains to the police officer. Aaron walks down to the body, "Is it the same as the other bodies?"

Derek looks at Spencer who is looking at the body in fear, "Hey pretty boy, you ok? You're sweating."

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I- I'm fine.", Spencer replies wiping his forehead.

"You wanna stay up here?"

"Uh... yeah, I'll interview the bicyclist."

Derek nods and Spencer quickly walks away. Derek looks confused before he joins Aaron. "'If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Leviticus 20:13'", Aaron reads aloud.

"It seems our killer thinks he is a profit to God's words." The Sheriff says shaking his head is disagreement.

"It looks that way."

" I didn't get to introduce myself, I'm Sheriff Glenn McGuhy." he shakes Aaron's hand.

"Sheriff, this is Agent Derek Morgan and.... where is Dr. Reid?"

"Oh, he stayed up there. He didn't want come down here." Derek replies.

"Well, that is Dr. Spencer Reid."

"He is probably scared for his life working on this case, he looks just like all the victims." Glenn points out.

"He shouldn't have to be. He's not even gay." Derek replies.

Glenn sighs and nods before he walks away to speak to a police officer present.

Aaron turns towards Derek as Derek scratches his head, "Derek, let's not bring up Reid's personal life to another person. That's none of their business."

"Sorry Hotch."

Aaron walks away to talk to the Sheriff. Derek looks up at Spencer curious. Spencer talks to the bicyclist and she is shaking. The poor woman starts to cry at what she had witnessed, and Spencer hugs her. 

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