Chapter 6 - Close Call

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October 20, 2015


Spencer wakes to see Derek sleeping his hand tangled up with Spencer's. Spencer smiles before moving a bit waking Derek up instantly, "Spencer! You're, ok?!"

"Hush! Yes, I'm fine. Not too loud... headache."

"I thought I lost you.", Derek hugs Spencer tightly to make sure he never loses him again. Spencer chuckles at him before nudging his nose on Derek's head. Derek looks up into Spencer's eyes and kisses him. Aaron opens the door and stops with his eyes wide open, "So, you two look fine." Derek jumps and turns facing Aaron, "Oh... Hotch...." Aaron shakes his head with a smile, "It's about time."

Derek and Spencer blush. Spencer looks at the door and freezes in fear, "Mother?"

"Spencer!", His mother yelped in tears. She runs to his bedside and hugs him, "Don't you ever scare your poor mother like that again! You keep giving me heart attacks!"

"I'm safe mom. I'm here... thanks to my team and friends."

"Friends?", She replies turning to Derek.

She walks up to Derek in a mean way. She puts her hands on his face and smiles, "Thank you for saving my boy." She than hugs him.

Derek hugs her back. She starts crying again, "And thank you for loving my boy."

"I will always love Spencer ma'am. I promise you that."

"You take care of him, and you two better adopt me some grand-children!"

"Here we go again...", Spencer says before laughing.

F.B.I Headquarters.

October 20, 2016


Spencer is reading some files when all the sudden he felt someone hugging him from behind, "Agent Morgan."

"Dr. Reid." Derek said before Spencer turned around to face him, "Let's go out tonight Pretty Boy."

"So, you remembered."

"You thought I was going to forget our one-year anniversary?"

"Sadly.", replies Spencer following a chuckle.

"Cruel.... Below the belt cruel."

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry. Where are we going?"

"I'll pick you up at 6 in front of the building.", Derek says before rushing off.

Spencer chuckles before turning back to his files with a smile.

In front of Headquarters


Spencer stands there waiting when Derek pulls up, "Come on pretty boy." Spencer smiles and gets in the car. They share a brief kiss before Derek sets his course. On the drive to the secret place, they listened to romantic music and talked about work. A few blocks away Derek blindfolds Spencer. Once to the place Derek gets out of the car and sees all of his co-workers, friends, and family in the house. He helps Spencer out of the car and into the house. I t was dark, "Derek?"

"Hold on."

Derek runs off into the backyard. Spencer feels someone tap him, "You can take the blindfold off."

Spencer dose as he's told and look over, "Mom?" She smiles, "Walk with your mother." She takes his arm and walks him down a hallway. His team from work are each holding separate signs, some say lyrics to his and Derek's song. Other hold signs that say memories. Picture all over the place and rose pedals lead the way. Once Spencer gets to the backyard, he finds Derek standing in the middle of rose pedals. Spencer's mom kisses his check than stands to the side where everyone was now at. Spencer looks at Derek and smiles, "Hi."

"Hey pretty boy."

Their song begins to play in the background as Derek speaks, "Spencer, you mean the whole world to me. I've never felt this way about anyone before. I don't know where I'd be right now. I'd don't know what I would have done if I lost you a year ago. I love you, Spencer Reid. I want you for the rest of my life." Derek gets down on one knee, "Will you marry me?" Derek pulls out a dark velvet box and opens it to reveal a silver band with diamonds in the middle. Spencer is already crying and has his hand over his mouth. He starts nodding, "YES!" Spencer jumps on Derek making him fall backwards. 

They kiss as everyone around them cheer and clap. Derek puts the ring on Spencer after helping him up. They kiss yet again. Spencer and Derek where than married in August of 2017 and adopted their first baby girl in December of 2017. Spencer's mother was able to finally spoil her granddaughter.

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