Chapter 4 - The Plan in Action

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The Embers Avenue


Spencer walks into the club and looks around, a lot of men are there, dancing, drinking, or just sitting and talking. He makes his way to the bar and gets a water. He tries to remember what Derek taught him about being in a club. He moves his way to the dance floor and starts swaying a bit to the music. Not one man in the bar spoke to him. He didn't mind. Until 10 minutes later a man approached him, "Hey pretty boy." Spencer smiles and turned around expecting to see Derek standing there, but his hopes were shot down. A very tall, thin, middle-aged man stood in front of him. Spencer faked a smile, "Hey."

"Why is such a pretty boy like yourself here all alone?"

"Haven't found the right man yet."

"Well, I can help you with that."

The man walks towards him and grabs his waist, without realizing it was going to happen, Spencer was now dancing with the man. Spencer finds out that the man's name is Jason Miller. He remembered that that is the name of the man who danced with Jack and Timmy the night Jack went missing. While Spencer was lost in thought, her failed to notice the powdery substance Jason poured into his water. Soon after Spencer became extremely dizzy and passes out. Jason smiles at Spencer's body and picks him up. He sets Reid's body in the backseat of his car and climbs into the driver side to drive home. Spencer soon wakes up to the sound of streets, everything is blurry, "Where am I?"

"You passed out back there, pretty boy. I carried you outside, I thought I'd take you take you to my house and let you sober up."

Spencer looked around; he knew for a fact that this was the killer. He wanted to move but his body refused him. He remembered the tracking device in his belt, he slowly reached his hand to it then pressed it before falling back onto the seat.

Portland P.D


Derek sits on the phone with Penelope, "I don't know baby girl, I'm scared for-"

"Morgan this is gonna have to wait, Reid set off his tracker, the murderer has him."

"Thanks Babygirl!", Derek quickly jumps up and runs up to the team to put the tracker on screen.

Aaron looks at the screen, "We have to wait till he stops moving."

"Screw that! Let's stop the car!"

"No, he could kill Reid in the car."

Derek starts pacing around the room, scratching his head and taking deep breath. Aaron jumps out of his seat, "Reid's tracker stopped moving, we have an address. Let's go."

Secret Basement


Spencer awoke to the sounds of "Seven Devils" by Florence & The Machine. He looks around and notices that he is strapped down to a table. He begins to struggle, hurting his wrist as they rub against the bindings. Jason walks in and smiles, "Well, look who's awake. Do not worry young man, I will heal you soon."

"Heal me of what? I'm not sick."

"Oh, but you are. I will heal you to save your soul for god."

"Save my soul?"

"Of your sin for the lust of men."

Spencer looks around seeing the 'tools' hanging on the wall. Jason pulls out his bible and begins to read, " Leviticus 18:22; You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."

"Please, Jason you don't have to do this."

"Of course, I do! I will not let you burn in hell Daniel!"


"You are my only child! You will go to heaven! You will marry a beautiful woman and have beautiful children!"


In the Van with Derek and Aaron


Derek in the driver seat look at the time and slams his hands on the steering wheel, "We won't make it! We have to make it!"

"Morgan calm down! We'll make it, take this right." Aaron demands.

Derek turns right quickly and speeds down the street.

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