Chapter 3 - Uncertain Feelings

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Portland P.D


Aaron, Derek, and Spencer walk into the office space that was prepped for their team. Derek gets on the phone with People, "Hey baby girl, I need you to find out if there are any local or private homophobic groups around."

"I'm on it, dark chocolate."

Derek laughs before he hangs up. He sits at the table and looks at his team, "No clues or hints on how they got these men."

"Actually, not true, there were sign of alcohol and Rohypnol in their systems.", Spencer points out.

"Sheriff, how many gay clubs are around Portland?", Aaron asks.

"I think about 3-5 at most."

"Have you thought of checking them out?", Spencer snapped,

"And what, lose the killer? No, we were waiting to find someone who could go in undercover.", Glenn replies nodding toward Spencer.

Spencer looks at Glenn and points to himself, "You want me to go into clubs undercover?"

"It won't work!", Derek snapped

"Actually, it will work Morgan. I'll do it Sheriff.", Spencer replied standing up.

Derek looked at Spencer astonished. The sheriff pulls Spencer to the side, "Dr. Reid, I can tell by how you were at the crime sight that you yourself are scared. If you don't want to do this, you don't have to."

"No, I want to help'"

All the sudden a girl and man run into the P.D looking terrified. The young man holds the girl close while yelling, "HE TOOK JACK! HE TOOK MY BOY FRIEND!" Spencer runs up and holds them still, "Calm down. Who is Jack and who are you?"

"Sorry sir. My name is Sarah Morrison, this is my brother's boyfriend, Timothy Billard, he's worried about the murders and all, he is afraid the murderer has my brother, Jack."

"When did he go missing?"

"Around midnight."

"Please come in and have a seat. Would you two like some coffee?"

"Yes, thank you.", Sarah says politely

Spencer walks to the coffee station and grabbed two cups while waiting for the coffee to brew. Derek walks up and stands by him, "Why did you agree to go undercover? It won't work, you're not-".

"Yes, I am Morgan. I never said anything because I didn't know how the team would feel about it. So, I kept it to myself."

"But you don't have a boyfriend, you never have."

Spencer looks up into his eyes, "I want someone I love deeply, but so far; he doesn't feel the same."

Spencer fills up the cups and walks back to Timothy and Sarah who are now talking to Aaron. Derek leans against the counter realizing what Spencer was saying to him. He scratches his head while Penelope calls back. Morgan answers his phone, "Hey."

"Couldn't find any babe. Sorry."

"Did you know he was gay?"



"You didn't? He doesn't hide it too well."

"No... Garcia... I don't want him going undercover, he's been tortured to many times, I don't want him going through that again."

"My dear dark night.... it's part of the job, we've all been through a lot. But if it helps and saves other lives, we have to do it."

"No, he doesn't. He chooses to, we could have found someone else."

"Why are you so worried? Reid has done this before."

"I think he loves me. And I- I never realized- me giving him tips on how to get girls, talking bout my dates, fun nights. Playfully flirting with you. Not once did it run through my head that it would be hurting him. I've been torturing him this whole time. Me."

"Stop it. You have not. You just didn't know. Is that why you are so worried? Do you love him?"

"I'll talk to you later Baby Girl, thanks."

Derek hangs up and walks off. He didn't know if he loved Spencer, he never thought of another man like that.

October 15,2015


Glenn runs up to the team, "Bad news, Jack's body was found in the same park but at a different part of it. A little girl found him." Spencer leans down putting his head into his hands, Aaron walks up to Glenn and nods, "Let's go. Reid, tell Timmy and Sarah." Sencer nods as Derek, Aaron, and Glenn walks out. Spencer sighs in sadness; for Derek hasn't been the same since they talked 2 days ago. He walked into the conference room and looked over at Timmy and Sarah. Timmy looks at Spencer and sees his look, "No.... no no no!" Sarah grabs Timmy's arm and pulls him close to her. They hug and cry into each other's arms. Timmy looked at Spencer, "You are going undercover to the club we were at, right?"


"Take him down."

"I promise, we will catch him."


Spencer walks into the locker room and pulls out some clothes the sheriff got him. tight skinny jeans, button up blouse (that he only buttoned up to right below his breast), and some black boots. As he starts combing his hair Deerk walks up behind him, "Reid, please don't do this, you have been tortured enough. What if we don't make it to you in time?"

"Well, we're just gonna have to hope you do."

"Reid, please don't go."

"Why are you so worried? I'll be fine Morgan!", Spencer yells turning around to look at Derek, it was just then that he realized Derek had been crying. Spencer looked at him confused and walked up to him, "What's going on?"

"I- I don't want you getting hurt. Not anymore, you've been tortured so much over the years by murderers and me."

"You?! You have never tortured me! Why do you think that?"

"How long have you loved me, Spencer?"

Aaron walks in, "Time to go Reid,"

Without another word Spencer walks out the door. Derek sits on a bench and picks up Spencer's bag. He hugs it close to his heart. "You love him, don't you?" The voice made Derek jump. He turned around to see Timmy standing there.


"Love is funny isn't?"


"You are hugging his bag that he always wears, and you're crying."

Derek knew that Timmy was right, he never thought in a million years he would be in love with another man. But now there he was sitting there in tears scared for Spencer's life.

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