Chapter 1 - The Unsettling Case

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B.A.U Office

F.B.I Headquarters

October 12, 2015


Agent Aaron Hotchner sits at his desk looking over some files about the recent case; Man kills friends and families before killing himself. Aaron sighs as he rests his forehead into his hands. All the sudden Agent Penelope Garcia knocks on the door and walks in, "Sir, I have those birth certificates you asked for."

"Thank you, Garcia. Give these to Ried." He says as he hands her a file filled with reports "See if he can find something in there."

"Yes sir." She replies as she walks out. Penelope walks up to Dr Spencer Reid and giggles handing him the file, "I know how much you love to read. You're welcome."

"Ah, thank you Garcia, I was starting to get bored." They both share a smile and laugh before Penelope returns to her station. Spencer opens the folder and starts to read the reports when all the sudden he heard laughing. He looked up to see Agent Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss talking. Derek stretches while they talk, revealing his muscles through his t-shirt.  Spencer watched as he tried to read their lips. Before he could make out anything Agent David Rossi stepped in front of him, "Hey kiddo, how was your weekend?"

"Fine, I visited my mother."

"That's good, how is she?"

"She's fine. As always she misses me and is mad at me."

"Mad at you?"

"I haven't given her any grandkids yet."

Rossi laughs, "Yeah mothers tend to do that."

"Indeed, so how was your weekend?"

"Fine, watched some horror movies."

"Trying to get into the Halloween spirit?"

"Yeah sure, Freddy Krueger gave me that spirit." He lets out a belly laugh then checks his watch, "Hey, I got some stuff to do, I'll talk to you later."

David then walked into his office and closed the door. Spencer then looked back to where Emily Prentiss and Derek were, they were no longer there. All the sudden they were right by him at their desks laughing. "Oh jeez... and I thought I wasn't going to be doing anything fun tonight." Emily says laughing.

"Baby, stick with Morgan... your weekends will never be boring."

Emily rolled her eyes and laugh before she looked down to her reports and started working. Spencer looked over to Derek to notice him smiling at him, "Hi..." is all Spencer said.

"Hey kid, what's up? You look down."

"Oh no. I'm fine, just reading reports." he smiles and gets back to work making his hair fall down hiding the redness in his cheeks. Derek shrugs and gets to work himself. All the sudden Penelope runs through the office, "We have a case." Everyone gets up and follows her to the conference room.

Aaron sits down, "What do we got?"

"Portland, Oregon. In the last 2 weeks, 4 men have disappeared, 3 of those men were found dead. They all seem to be brunet males in their early 20's, and they all seem to be homosexual." Penelope says while she brings the pictures of the men on screen. The room falls eerily silent as they look at the men.

Derek then breaks the silence, "They kind of look like you Reid." 

Spencer smiles slightly and looks back to the report.

"4 men in the last two weeks? That's a lot of work...", Emily says.

"A serial killer... cause the world didn't have enough." David jokes.

"Let's get out to Portland." Says Aaron.

B.A.U Private Plane.

"It seems that our killer is punishing these men." Derek says

"But why?" asks Spencer

"Simple, for being gay. The killer is probably homophobic." says David

"Could also be religious." Emily adds

"You would be right, at every scene the verse 'If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Leviticus 20:13' from the bible is pinned onto their chest." replies Penelope.

Spencer looks out the window, worried about this particular case.

Portland, Oregon

Portland P.D


"You must be the F.B.I?" says the Sheriff walking up.

"Yes, I'm Aaro-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, but another body has been discovered."

"Let's get over there right away."

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