||The fight over me||

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•The fight over me •

His hands were touching my neck in a softy way and I couldn't handle it so I kissed him back. I felt like I was in Wonderland. He is the first guy I'm kissing and it felt so amazing.

"Sorry I..." He said and pulled away with a nervous look. I mean I kissed him back even though I should have slapped him , but I couldn't. 

"It's okay i kissed you too so don't worry we both felt butterflies on our stomach this time.-i answered with i shy voice.

"The truth is i really like you Lucy and..." I cut him off. 

"Listen you can't like someone or fall in love with someone you have met one week ago or 3 weeks ago. To fall in love with someone ,you need a lot of time to understand him or her. The truth is you don't know me.." I said even though I know i have feeling for him and I want him so badly.

"Yeah you are right but at least i have a crazy crush on you." He said with a smile on.

"Um lets call it double crush because we both have a crush on each other." Oh no I said it. What the fuck Lucy you were thinking too loud.

"Yeah deal!" He said turning his smile into a smirk one.

"Okay ,now lets turn back inside because maybe they are searching for us." I said turning myself into the exit door.

"Yeah, you are right! Lets go!" He said and took my hand and we both went toward the door.

*Back to the party*

"Hey!Lucy, where were you ?" Emma asked worried. She really sound worried.

"I was outside I needed some fresh air." I said trying to calm her. But she saw me with a strange look, like she didn't trust me.

"You weren't alone outside,right?" She asked. Look I knew it.

"Okay I was with Alex and we kissed."Finally I said it. I'm relieved now.

"He did what? " A familiar voice asked. Oh no Evan.

"Evan ,he kissed me ! I think he likes me too!" I said with a happy face but Evan looked so pissed off.

"But, Lucy you don't know him. Look can you come I need to talk for a moment?" He said talking me with him.

"Yes of course!" I said very curious. I know he is going to criticize me.

"Look i think you shouldn't trust him so much. I'm a boy Lucy and i'm one of your best friends , so this means i know boys and how player we can be , how much they can hurt you....So please be careful because we don't know him very well. He is a stranger for all of us." He said. His speech was long. I knew  it that he was going to say it.Yeah he was really talking like a big brother to me and i know it but he should understand my feelings too for that stranger named *ALEX*

"What? Why are you saying this to me Evan why?  He has been such a good guy with me even though he doesn't know me very well , he decided to come to the party with me!"I said trying not to cry and handle my angry.

"LUCY! You shouldn't trust him!" He shout at me. He did what? It's his first time that he shout at me for something.

"Who shouldn't she trust?" Alex asked and by his look, he wasn't very calm. Listening to Evan made him even more angry.He sounded so scary . I start to worry, something bad was going to happened. Evan was angry too, I could see it clear but he has no reason.

"You! " He answered and made Alex let out a scoff and now he was standing right in front of him.

Oh ,who the fucking hell are you to tell people not to stay or trust somebody e? "Alex said angry.

-"Look dude,you may be new in here but  as you see I don't give a single fuck who you are. Are we clear? So now back off and I know Lucy better than you, as long as i'm here I'll make sure she doesn't get in trouble or hurt! I won't let anybody hurt her!"Evan raised his voice and pushed Alex away.

I immediately got between them knowing where this conversation was going.
"Guys! Please stop it! "I said trying to separate them. But I couldn't.

"Aw look at mamas boy over here acting all taught and shit and being protected by a girl....such a shame."Alex said laughing.

"I think in the end you'll be the one going to mama crying,right? Poor,baby boy."Evan said with an evil smile on his face and Alex was even angrier by now.

He just pushed me away and then they started punching each-other and breaking some decorations around. Everyone was watching and no one came to stop this. For real? Everybody was like enjoying it and nobody came to separate them. Me? I tried but they were much more stronger than me and come on i'm a girl. I would never separate them even if it would take me all day and night.

"OKAY ENOUGH ALREADY YOU'RE FIGHTING FOR NO REASON! "I tried once again but it was useless they were on the floor and  I'm sure their face will be messed up and knuckles too. Then thank God Alan came and pulled them away from each other.

"I am fucking killing you!!" Evan said holding his hand to his lip where some blood was sliding out.

"C'MON LITTLE GIRL! I'M RIGHT HERE!" Alex shouted while being pulled away.

They were fighting like they both were jealous for me. I think i should go home, but leaving them there was worth it.  I went back in at the party and tried to find Alex. But he was't there, where was he? Oh please god i hope they aren't fighting outside. Evan wasn't there too....Oh My God what is happening?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Heyo I finally did it! Here is it.....enjoy um this one is a little bit different and creepy but i hope you like it.

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