•Let the fun begin• Part 2

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+Let the fun begin+Part 2

After boys left us there like shits we had to fix everything by our self. We bought two umbrellas and opened our towels on the hot sand. It was an amazing weather. But I didn't wanted to get burn so I took my sun scream and put some of it on my hands, legs and face even thought I had my clothes still on. Everybody feel a little bit shy when they first come on beach after a long time and I was one of them.

"Lucy,you are not going to change?"Emily asked.

"No, I'm okay for now."I said.

"Okay, then! So what are we going to do?"Emily asked.

"Lets relax first and after we will go on water. "Emma said. "Lets wait for the assholes to come but till then I'll take a nap."

"You,lazy ass!"Emily said.

"I'm never lazy but the trip was long and I didn't sleep enough."Emma said. Oh yeah she is always so hyperactive and we are always the laziest one.

"Hey,Nora! Nasa is talking to Nora!"Emily said."Are you here?"

"Oh, yeah sorry I was just watching the boys."She said turning red. Red Nora was so cute because she had red hairs and a white skin. When she turned red she looked very funny.

"Which one Evan or Ricky?"Emily said with a smirk on.

"Oh, Emily stop it! I told that I like only Ricky not Evan."She said turning more red.

"Okay,Emily leave her alone. She is turning into a red paper."I said laughing.

"Okay, okay! But lets admit something boys shirtless are FUCKING HOT."Emily shout and we all approved it shaking our heads.

"Uh look at Alex! Hot, hot body!"I said daydreaming."Uh that body, damn!"

"Sht Lucy keep calm they are coming."Nora said laughing.

"Hey,girls!"Evan said giving the three of us a cute smile.

"Did you enjoy watching us?"Alex said. Damn no I couldn't even look at him. Hot Hot Hot! 

"Ha we weren't watching you at all."Emily said doing a fake laugh.

"Yes, yes we know."Adam said. But Emily didn't answer at his comment.

"Hey Lucy do you want a hug?"Evan asked smirking. Oh no I knew what he was going to do.

"Come here!"He said hugging me very tight. He was all wet and cold too.

"Evan you asshole! Get away!"I said shouting and pushing him away.

"Ups sorry I forgot!"He said laughing."By the way why are you still on your clothes?"

"ASSHOLE!"I said punching him. "Because I don't want to."

"Oh come on Lucy let us see your hot body."Evan said trying to take off my top.

"Okay,enough! I think your joke went to far." Alex said with a angry look. He had the "kill him now" look.

"Yes, sorry you are right."Evan said backing up.

"But he is right why haven't you change?"Alex asked curious too. Bah why did they have to ask?

"Because I'm shy."I answered.

"Shy? But you have an amazing body."Alex said taking my hand."Don't be shy plus I want to see my girlfriend on bikinis."

"Oh really?"I said laughing.

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