||Hiding the scars||

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🌸•Hiding the scars•🌸

Self harm is not for attention. It's a silent scream. It's killing your inner demon. It's your most terrible thoughts, expressed on your own body. It is just an addiction. Don't be a victim of your inner demon.

I'm standing here on this park with my friends. If someone see us they would think this teens are having the time of their life. Evan hugging Alex singing along to the lyric and drunk Emily laughing and dancing too everyone looked happy.. and there was me. On my own world in deep thoughts watching my wrists and the cuts. It came all back and hit me like a truck. They didn't knew what was going on with me and i think its time to tell them...but the truth is i can't. I can't ruin their happiness especially today that we had a lot of fun. I'm feeling like a stone cold they think i'm happy but i'm dying inside. I mean most of the people judge us for doing all those cuts in our wrists but the truth is they don't know anything about them. The way we feel, how depressed we are,how lonely we are. It hurts so much doing those cuts and crying for each one of them. But people don't understand us they think we are doing them for attention. Really? I wanted to kill myself when my grandpa died and i wanted to do the same thing when i saw my family in that situation and all they think is we do all those scars for attention. When you tell them, they are like you are stupid why are you trying to kill or hurt yourself.But the truth is they are STUPID for not understanding us. We are depressed...........
I'm afraid to tell even to my best friends about my scars. Maybe they will call me STUPID too. Maybe they will leave me or maybe they will understand me and the way i feel.

"Hey Lucy come here and party with us!"Alex shout.

"Oh it's okay I'm fine here,enjoying your dance skills."She said smiling , covering her sadness with it. 

"I'm tired, I'll sit down a little bit."Evan said."I think i will talk with Lucy too." He understand how she was feeling because he knows her since they were little and he knew that something was wrong.

"Welcome then!"Lucy said.

"Ej Lucy I can see it in your eyes you look sad.Whats wrong?"Evan asked.

"Oh nothing I'm fine , I'm just a little bit tired because it was a night full of dance,laugh and alcohol."Lucy said but she was lying. But the truth is she is a bad lair.

"Lucy, you are my best friend and I can understand you miles away that you are nervous and sad right now about something."Evan said taking her hand ,they were shaking.

"Okay then, I can't lie to you!You are right I'm not fine because I want to tell you guys something."Lucy said."Something I have been hiding for so long."

"What have you been hiding? Are you okay?"He asked worried.

"Months ago my nanny wanted to kill herself , my dad wasn't okay too my family was in a bad situation."Lucy said.

"I'm sorry to hear that! Are they okay now?"He asked.

"Yes thank you! But...."She stopped taking a deep breath.

"But what?"He asked curious.

"I tried to kill myself! I have done a lot of cuts not only on my wrist but my legs too."She said and stared crying.

"What? Why? Those hands are so beautiful to be full of scars and blood."He said and hugged her."I'm not going to judge you or yell at you but I'll be here whenever you need me! Okay?"

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