||At the Hospital||

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SOO here is the new chapter! I hope you like it ! Oh and i know about my grammar mistakes and i will fix them when i finish all the book. Please don't comment all the time for them. Thank you! Now enjoy it. Oh and as i said Evan is going to be fine. Bye. 💙💙 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

•At the Hospital•

"Lucy,Lucy!Please don't leave me!"Evan said.

"I will never leave you!"She said and took his hand again.

"Sorry , miss we have to take him to the operation room."The nurse said pushing her away from him.

"But he needs me!!"Lucy shout angrily.

"Don't worry we will take care of him! You are his girlfriend?"She asked giving Lucy a smile.

"A no,no we are best friends."Lucy said."He is the best friend I could ever have."

"Sorry I though you were in a relationship."She said embarrassed.

''It's okay!"Lucy said and then the nurse left.

* After they took him to the operation room , the doctor was getting ready to get in.*

"Sorry,doctor! Is he going to be okay?"Emily asked with tears rolling on her cheekbones.

"I don't know sweetheart. You said that he was stabbed twice ,right?"He asked.

"Yes!"She said."Please save him! He is the only cousin I have and I don't wanna loose him."

"We will try our best!"The doctor said and went in.

"Don't worry Emily he will be fine! He is strong."Lucy said giving her a tight hug.

"Oh ,I have to call my aunt. She might be very worried about us."Emily said taking her phone of her pocket.

"Yea go!Take your time."Lucy said.

"Come here!"Alex said giving her a warm hug.

"I'm afraid we will loose him! I mean he is my best friend....I"Lucy said inhale.

"I know you guys love him."He said and gave her a forehead kiss."I care for you too, I think we should leave. You are tired."

"What? Are you,okay? How can we leave him? He saved you at least you should stay just for that!"Lucy said angrily.

-Okay, sorry! You are right , I don't know what I was thinking.-He said.-Sorry! 

He cuddled her and gave her a soft kiss on her neck.

"I have to call my mum too!"Lucy said while taking her phone from her jeans.

"Yes,of course! Go on!"Alex said.

"Hello! Mum something bad has happened! While we were coming home a guy with a mask hit Evan......"Lucy said crying.

"Oh god dear! Where are you?"Mum asked with a worried voice.

"We are at the American National Hospital."Lucy said.

"I'm coming there dear! Did you called Evan's mother?"She asked.

"Yes , she is coming."Lucy said.

"Okay, honey see you later."she said."Bye!"

"Bye!"Lucy said and hangup the call.

"My aunt is coming, my mum too."Emily said warping away the tears.

"My mum is coming too, she was so shocked when she heard about Evan."Lucy said."He is going to be okay, I feel it."

"If you want you can go home Alex!"Emily said."Your parents are worried about you."

"No, It's okay I will stay.-He answered."He is my friend too and he saved my life.

"Okay then. Thank you!"she said.

"I'm going to take some coffee do you girls want?"he asked.

"Yes,please I want."Lucy said.

"No, thank you!'Emily said.

'Okay, then!-He said and left.

"Lucy he said your name even though he was like talking on sleep."Emily said.

'Yes I know,"Lucy said."He didn't want let my hand go.'

"Yes, I saw it."Emily said."He cares for you a lot!"

"I know."Lucy said with a sad face.

"Um lets pray for him."Emily said and began praying.

  "Lucy take it!"Alex said giving her a glass full of coffee.

"Thank you Alex!"She said.

"So,any news?"He asked.

"Nothing yet!"Lucy answered.

"He is going to be alright!"he said giving her a forehead kiss.

"Lets hope so!"Lucy said.

Emily's P.O.V

A few minutes later  my aunt, my mum and Lucy's mother came in. They were so anxious and worried about him and made us thousands questions like : What happened? How is Evan? What happened to him?, etc.

After we told them everything, we stayed waiting and waiting for an answer that didn't came. We all were afraid of loosing him , I mean he has done so much for us and we couldn't do anything for him.

  After several hours of waiting the doctor came out of the operation room, telling us that the risk has passed. Evan is going to be better and that the knife had not touched any of his organs. He just need two weeks off to get well and his wounds get to close.

"Can we see him, doctor?"Evan's mum asked.

"I'm sorry Mrs. but he needs to sleep now. I suggest you all to come and visit him tomorrow."Doctor said.

"Alison go home please can you take Emily,too?"My mum asked Lucy's mum.

"Yes of course! No problem now lets go girls and Alex you too."Lucy's mum said.

I took my jacket and went with them. Lucy's mum have a car so we don't have to walk. On our way home i was thinking for Evan and the way he took Lucy's hand. I was thinking for a triangle love story.

"Hey Emily! Are you coming?"Lucy asked by interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, yes wait."I answered.

"Goodbye,Alex! If you want i can talk with your parents and explain everything?"Lucy's mum asked.

"No,thank you Mrs. Alison!"He answered.

"Okay ,as you want dear."Mrs Alison said and went to open the door.

"Good night, Lucy!"He said and kissed her cheek.

'Bye Alex!"she said.

"Bye Emily!"he said kissing my cheek,too.

"Bye Alex!"I said getting blush.

We went home and fall asleep.I can't wait to go and visit Evan tomorrow.

Evan's P.O.V

When I opened my eyes I was perverse in the beginning,I did not know where I was. But when i turn around i see those beautiful faces. Lucy and Emily were waiting for me to wake up. Two of my greater love were waiting with their watery eyes.


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