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p r o l o g e

Louis looked over at the bright eyed, curly headed boy siting in the playhouse. Their mothers were friends and there was no denying that the boys absolutely were smitten with each other. Louis always thought there was something wrong with him. He didn't hate the boy. Actually, Louis adores the boy, maybe even loved him with his eight year old heart.

That's why Louis was courageous. His mom told him to that people who were in loved kissed each other, and being eight, Louis thought it applied to him too.

"Harry, do you love me?"

"Of course I love you Lou! You're my friend", Harry said with his cheeky smile.

"No Harry, like love love. Like your parents do!"

"I guess so Louis... why do you ask?"

Louis looked at Harry and smiled. He's seen his mom and dad do it before. So why couldn't he. So Louis slowly leaned in and kissed Harry in his chapped lips.


Louis and Harry quickly pulled away. Harry's mom, Anne was standing above them. Her face was red and filled with anger.

"Jay, I don't know what you're going to do with your boy but I don't need him influencing my son like that. I'm sorry but until Louis gets...fixed then we cannot gang around you and him."

"Anne, they're eight. I'm sure it was a mistake! Please don't leave. We can talk about this!"

Louis' mom chased after Anne, who was pulling Harry by the arm.

Louis stood there. It was his first kiss. And now his first kiss was being taken away for a reason Louis didn't understand.


"Look guys, it's that fag Louis!"

Louis was walking home from school when he got called out again. Some older class men were picking on him and he didn't know what to do.

"Can you guys just leave me alone!"

"Awwe, is faggy Louis gonna cry."

"Faggy isn't even a word dipshit.

"What did you say to me."

Louis looked at the bright eyed, curly headed boy. He looked with a plea in his eyes. Please Harry. You know me. Please.

Harry cued his 'henchmen' to go towards Louis. And Louis started to run. But sadly they caught up with him.

It was the first time Louis was beat up, and Louis finally knew why.

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