Chapter 8

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Louis Pov

Nothing. All I see is nothing. I believe I am dead. But the again I can here voices of the doctors and nurses.

I think they are talking to someone. I'm not sure who. I can't make out the voice. I'm pretty sure though it's a he.

I feel tired. And weak.

Harry's POV

"But yes. He is in a coma Mr.Styles. We don't know if he will wake up or...."

I tone the doctor out. I don't want to listen to what they have to say. My Louis. My hurt.

I can't stand to look at him like this. He's so small. And fragile. How did this happen.

It's that stupid text I sent. No. I sent that text cause I was with that girl.

I hurt him. It's all my fault.

No ones POV
Harry left the hospital crying while Louis was laying in the bed, also crying. He had heard Harry. He wanted to get up and run out to him but he couldn't.

He can't feel anything.


Liam heard the news about Louis first. He was at Zayns.

Once he heard he started crying, but zayn was there to hold him.

Zayn regretted ever hurting Louis. He wished they were friends. They would be great friends.


Louis family never showed up at the hospital to see their boy.

Louis mom wasn't with them anymore. There dad was abuseive. So Harry went everyday to see his beloved Louis.

Everyday the doctor said Louis would never wake up.

And that hurt Harry. Why would someone say that to him. 

Harry however did not listen. Why? Cause Harry had hope. Even if he had to wait all of his life. He will never go to anyone... only Louis.

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