Starbucks Encounter

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Wow I was in the top 300 for non-teen and top 500 for romance . idk that seems like a lot to me :] thank you so much <3


Chapter Four: Starbucks Encounter

“You know, you can go for Dawson, if you want…” I casually say to Kate the next morning at Starbucks.

                She takes off her green headband, fixes it, and stares at me incredulously. “Are you kidding me? You were like, all over him yesterday!” Kate pauses for a moment. “Wait; is he a bad guy or something? A defect? I can’t even imagine what could be wrong with him…”

                I laugh at her rambling. “If he was a bad guy, do you think I would tell my friend she should go after him?”

                Kate feigns having to think about it, before letting out a giggle. “Noo, but what could you not like about, well, perfection?”

                I mix a Tazo Passionfruit Tea as she stands next to me, piling whipped cream on a drink. “He just… wasn’t the right guy.”

                She sets the frappe on the counter, calling out the order’s name, before turning around to look at me with a sly face. “Is there… perhaps… someone else?”

                My reddened cheeks must be the tell-tale sign as I recall the past events of the night. There aren’t any new customers at the moment, so Kate pulls me over to the back counter, looking at me intently.

                “Ooh! There is! Spill,” she exclaims, attracting the unwanted attention of many customers. “What’s his name, what does he do, what type of clothes does he wear, what does he look like, is he cute?”

                I bite my lip. “Uh, I don’t know his name… Or what he does…” My cheeks flame. “Or what kind of clothes he wears… But he’s tall and… very muscular… and he is definitely easy on the eyes.”

                Kate processes what I just said, before looking at me with a bewildered expression. “What do you mean you don’t know what type of clothes he wears? You can name practically all the brands if you wanted to!”

                “That’s the thing…” I lean forward in a low whisper. “He wasn’t wearing any.”

                She jumps away, shocked. “No way, Gwen. No way. Bullshit!

                “Lower your voice,” I hiss. “But I’m dead serious.”

                “I know you are, but it’s just… thrilling! Gwennie has a crush and she might lose her half-a-V-card!” Kate sings so only I can hear.

                I groan. Did she really have to bring my half-a-V-card up? I was still technically a virgin… just without the hymen. I forget how it happened, but it was definitely not there, and I had definitely never had a man’s cock in me.

                “How the hell did you meet this guy?” Kate questions skeptically.

                I blush again. “I didn’t exactly… meet him…”

                “So you were just spying on him,” Kate says sarcastically. She takes a look at my “deer stuck in the headlights” face, and her mouth drops open. “You peeping tom!” she whispers, laughing a little at my mortified face.

                “It’s not my fault he has a working-out-naked-at-midnight-in-a-public-place-naked fetish!” I object.

                Kate stares at me knowingly with a smirk on her face. “You said naked twice.”

                “Oh whatever!”

                She grins at me coyly. “He must’ve had one delicious body.”

                “Shut up!” I cry as I bury my hands in my face.

                Kate nudges my side, wiping her hands on her apron. “Well okay. I’ll take him.”

                I peek through my fingers at Kate, confused. “Huh?”

                “Dawson. I’ll take him… You’re taking the next customer, though.”





                There’s a cough from the area of the cash register.

                “Customer’s here, love you Katie-Cat.”

                “Likewise, Gwennie-Bear.”

                I turn around to greet the customer, my fingers toying around with the buttons on the register. “Welcome to Starbucks, what would you like today?”

                “I’d like a regular coffee, black please. No cream or sugar,” the voice says. It’s kind of a husky growl, but sexy enough to send shivers down my spine and moisture into my panties.

                “Okay, that will be $4.25.”

                He holds out a five dollar bill, and I make the transaction. “Here’s seventy five cents in return, your coffee will be out in a minute.” I hold out the three quarters in the palm of my hand and look up at him.

                My hand falters and the quarters fall to the counter, but I can’t take my eyes off the guy.

                It’s the guy from my dream.

                Which means… it’s the guy from the exercise room.

                The guy who likes to work out naked.

                He’s standing right in front of me.



Awfully short but I wanted to leave it off there . 

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i love you guys .


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