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The nurse became inpatient and stomped over to me she took me by the arm and lead my shocked ass out of the bathroom through a few hallways and into a huge room filled with tables and chairs and on the other side of the room was a single file line with over a hundred demented demented zombies waiting.

Everyone looked so depressed and tired and you could just see in their eyes that they had no will to live anymore, except one dude. He was hopping up and down yelling at everyone to move the inch forward as soon as someone was served in front of the line.

"Get breakfast and the doctor will call you when he is ready" the nurse muttered.

I waited in the line for more then an hour, the floor was cold and my head felt heavy, without looking at what i got i just grabbed the plate and looked for a seat. There was one table with only one chick sitting there so I figured chances are she's the sane one out of the bunch. This here, is what I call alice logic. Which means it only makes sense to me and ill fail to convince you that you should follow my logic or anything similar to it. Either she's really insane and the other patients socially reject her because of how she scares them, or just partially insane which is why her fellow insane zombies won't socially accept her as well.

I took a seat and while holding my breath in suspense for 30 seconds. I realized she didn't scratch my eye balls out yet or even notice my presence. She had short brown hair and actually looked like shed been dead for over a week, smelled that way as well, then a lady with curly light blond hair came and sat down next to me. She kept looking over at me and my food, I tried minding my own business the last thing I wanted was a fight or to get in trouble, I saw how sally reacted when Lady Katnis's "therapy" was mentioned.

I finally gazed down at my food, and it looked … Well I don't know how to explain it. It was runny and brown with green bits here and there, with unidentifiable chunks that tasted something like meat. As soon as I took my first bite, my taste buds rejected it and I could feel the vomit in my throat about to spew out.

"You should eat, eating is normal and you have got to do everything possible to look normal. Its the only chance you've got." She took a big bite of her food which looked exactly the same as mine and seemed like she had the exact same reaction as well.

"My names Cameron Hathaway. Whats yours?"

"Alice. Alice Liddell" I replied not sure if It was safe open my mouth yet.

"Now finnish it all. I know its hard, but you gotta try. I herd them talking, you're here on code 12?"

"Whats code 12?" I asked.

"Police action, see the doctors and staff figure that if the police brought you here, there must be a good reason for it"

"Well there isn't. I'm perfectly sane and I will explain that to them." I was honestly surprised that she could put two sentences together, but couldn't help wonder why she was here.

"How? The more you try to act sane the crazier you start to look. If you smile to much, you're delusional or you're in an hysteria state and if you don't smile, your depressed. If you remain neutral, you're emotionally withdrawn, and potentially catatonic." She said with great humor in her voice.

"You've given this a lot of thought. That might be the case or you are just a Paranoid and angry, for landing your ass in here and not being able to get it out. You are a conspiracy theorist, a swell way to become an attention whore."

"Congratulations, you've figured out one of my many mental disorders."

"What are you going to yell at me saying you are blind to THEIR lies, person who won't hang on every word I blather! I pour scorn upon you!"

"Don't you get it? You're code 12, so am I. We are here for the exact same reasons, we both pissed off the cops." She smirked at me ignoring my last comment.

It made sense, I knew that my last shrink had an officer for a brother. I face palmed the table with the thought sinking in that i was fucked, and not the good kind that you light candles for. I looked over to a lady who had almost no hair left on her head, rocking back and forth stroking her hair. You could see the outline of every bone in her body. She looked like a zombie from 28 weeks later, Cameron looked over to the lady and shook her head.

"She was married to a cop who kept beating her up. When she tried to tell somebody about it, he brought her here and that one-" She said nodding to a old woman in a wheel chair behind me scratching her skin like they had bugs underneath. "-Police beated the crap out of her brother, broke both his arms and when she tried to tell the papers she landed herself here.

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