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“Good Morning, Alice.” He stammered as he layed his eyes on me, as always I made people do a double take. My day was rather shit so far, I got into a fight with the rhyming little runt of a roommate which landed me in a straight jacket and a promised visit to the correctional ward, where I get to meet the famous Nurse Clayworth.

I continued the silent treatment as Beulah shoved me into the chair opposite Dr. McCalman, uncomfortably I shuffled around and tried to see the couddlesome perk of being in a straight jacket but just didn't quite get there. The Doctor spoke a few quiet words to Beulah and afterwards he came over to take it off.

“Bring it with you back to the common room afterwards, and don't go exploring again Alice you have a life time supply of tranquilizers ready for use.” He ordered before he left the room, like a man on a mission.

“Are you ready to talk today?” Dr, McCalman inquired, but after a few long moments of silence I felt confident that I got the idea across.

“Alright, lets see what today's report says then. Self-harm confirmed. Patient removed dressings from arm lacerations, reopened wound while waiting for dinner. Definite evidence of somniphobia in patient justifications for harm; patient refers to sleep with anxiety, and consistently acts against self to cause pain in response to lengthy periods of silence or other lack of stimuli. Issue of insomnia needs immediate attention, given evidence of exceedingly prolonged duration. Likewise possible agoraphobia. Patient requests an isolated bed, becomes withdrawn/agitated when request is denied, refuses to cooperate further with interview. Offers vague suggestion of hostility; in justification, but will not elaborate, as quoted, “because its not just silly sally living in my room."; Evidence for likely paranoid schizophrenia. Recommend further interview with full psychological spectrum testing for exact diagnosis.”

“That's Bullshit!” I explained and banged my fist on his desk with much intended revenge. I didn't care that I failed with the silent treatment, but I should have known they would just make up random lies to make me seem more insane.

He continued. “and now your taking Diazepam twice daily as well.”

“Sally was the one who opened my wounds, she must have done it during the night!” I was still raising my voice considerably a lot.

“Alice, in order for you to get better you have to accept the truth, the past and the present and work towards the future.” He stated flatly, not believing me t all.

“That's bullshit! Your bullshit, you didn't even get my side of the story!” I was so aggravated I wanted to yell at him but i forcibly kept my voice from going to loud. He eyed the straight jacket and went back to reading the notes.

“I gave you a chance yesterday and you refused to talk to me, and who am I to believe my nurses or a disobedient girl that's clinically deemed insane?” He rubbed his temples as he sighed.

I felt hopeless, so I got up with the sleeve of the straight jacket in my hand and walked out. I herd him call after me a few times but I couldn't be bothered replying. The rest of the day stammered on, I sat in the common room gawking at the very impatient and energetic man jumping up and down moving everyone along in the cue for their medications. You'd swear by the amount of excitement he was in line to see some fancy show at a theatre.

He saw me ogle him and came right over. I regretted it as soon as I realized he was going to latch on to me like a leach. I stood next to the chair opposite me, not for one second did he stop moving and did a motion that almost looked like he was humping the char.

“Salutations!” His voice was so loud it echoed through the entire room and for a moment all eyes were on us. I just stared at him, the medication I was on made me feel distant and incoherent and the tranquilizer was still wearing off.

“Oi, you deaf” He whispered, while he leaned forward and gazed at me with one eye considerably bigger than the other.

“Im troy.”

Silence was becoming my new thing.

“Catatonic are we? We haven't had one of those for a while,” He started talking to himself more then me, most of it was barley audible. He looked back at the line and ran with great intensity back to his place, making sure the old man behind him knew that nothing changed that was still his spot.

Once again he caught me gawking and was back at my table within a flash. He pointed at the straight jacket made a loud sound that sounded like a dying pig squeal.

“Jesus, dude what is wrong with you?” I explained.

“HA ! Knew you weren't catatonic. I've.. I've.. Wait. What was the question again.” He chuckled.

“What is wrong with you?” I asked again

“the paraphiliac practice of achieving sexual stimulation or orgasm by touching and rubbing against a person or object without consent and usually in a public places.” He whispered with an incredible speed. “HA! And.. and.. and.. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD! Its one of the most common childhood disorders but mine continued through to adulthood.” He hammered on.

I realized as he kept going on and on about his disorders and disabilities how badly the situation I was in, was completely screwed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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