Chapter 2. So... Well fuck.

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Okee so! Chapter one went well so yeah, SECOND CHAPTER WOO!!!! The picture is of Dirk btw~!


Alister watched as Madeline went upstairs to her room to go to sleep. Alister's gaze followed to Dirk who was changing his shirt. Alister's face turned red as Dirk caught him. Dirk laughed a bit, "What's your preference?" He asked as he put his hand on the wood. Alister zoned "P-Pardon?!" He yelled astonished. "Heh. I mean, do you like girls or boys?" Dirk asked bluntly. Howwwww was he so bluntttt?!?!?! "U-Uh.... Well.... I mean... Uhm.... B-Boys...." Alister blushed again, and stared at his clothed lap, Alister was shocked as Dirk's fingers brushed beneath his neck, Dirk pulled closer, and at that moment, Alister questioned what the hell was happening, though he didn't want to complain... Nnnnn.... This was going to be bad....! Dirk's lips clashed with Alister's, after kissing for a while. Dirk began to pick up Alister. He carried the boy to the makeshift bed, As he laid down Alister onto the soft fur he trailed kisses along the boys naked chest, and before Alister knew it... Dirk was mounting him. Holy. Shit. Alister was freaking out, it felt good ... Nah! Oh man, he can't think that!!!!

-a week later.-

Alister awoke to a knock on the door, Dirk groaned and covered his face with the pillow. Alister admired the grumpy state of his partner. In the midst of Alister's thoughts he heard a familiar voice and a familiar noise. "ALISTERRRRR! WE KNOW YOUR IN THEREEEEE! COME OUT OR WELL COME IN!!!!" As the voice rang through Alister's head he shot up, he sprinted to the door to find exactly what he thought... His colleagues were there... "What the fuck are you guys doing here!?!?!?" Alister shot angrily, "We came to get you buddy!" One of his goofball colleagues, Miché grinned while hitting Skull, another of his colleagues. "You haven't answered your communicator. Also you've missed all the meetings." His toughest colleague, Eddy, scowled bluntly. "Why are you in your underwear?" Ourac asked pointing to my bottom half, I was about to explain when a warm hand planted on my shoulder, "Who's at the door baby-" Dirk stopped as he saw the odd group of boys. Skull and Miché instantly fell on there backs laughing. Eddy's face was dark and cold. He grabbed Alister's shoulder and dragged him into the snow "EDDDY!!! THIS IS COLD!" Alister yelled shivering as Eddy dragged him against the snow, "Your going back to the treehouse." Eddy scowled "No! I refuse! I'm not living in that wreckage! It's so lonely there! You guys have to understand what it's like to be lonely!" Alister shouted, afraid for his own good. Eddy stopped as a hand placed on his shoulder, Eddy turned to see Dirk standing there. "He said he doesn't want to go. You should respect the kid." Dirk growled. Eddy threw me over to Ourac, Ourac being Ourac took his fur coat and put it around me, sealing me from the coldness. "I don't know who you think you are, But we've known this kid longer then you." Eddy shot at him. "Perhaps you have, but Alister hasn't healed yet. His wound is still infected. I'd rather keep him here where I can work on healing it instead of holding him up in a tree house." Dirk said calmly. Dirk sighed, "Come in for a drink. I'll explain how I found Alister and everything." Dirk smiled lightly, Eddy sighed and nodded, Ourac took back his coat and laughed as I shivered. Both Miché and Skull were about to complain but when they saw little old Madeline in a lacy dress they sprinted in.

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