Chap 6. ...Hes Alive...?

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Everyone's alerted gasp shook the room. Everyone's shocked face boomed. All except Eddy, Miché and Papyrus. "Sister?!?!?" Ourac boomed, "How come we didn't know bout this?!?!?" Skull yelled. "I didn't see a reason." Alister mumbled lightly. Dirk jumped feeling betrayed. "You told me your sister died!" He announced. Alister looked back to his sister's hurt expression. "I wish she was." Alister whispered. Amelia stood, her long shredded cape flowed behind her. "Al... I'm sorry I-" Alister whipped backwards, tears in his eyes, his innocent face filled with a new emotion, Hurt. Pain. Loneliness. "AMELIA! YOU KILLED OUR FAMILY! YOU KILLED THEM ALL! MOM, DAD, OUSTIN! YOU KILLED THEM ALL! YOU KILLED ALL I HAD! ALl... All I had..." Alister trembled. Biting back his lip from screaming and sobbing any further. He fell to his knees. A loud thud emitting from the wooden floor. Dirk slowly placed Madeline behind Ourac, Ourac smiled softly at her, he had sure taken a liken to the girl. Dirk walked over. He placed a comforting hand on Amelia's shoulder and mouthed 'It'll be Okay.' . Dirk then walked over and sat down with Alister, He put his arms around the crying boy, comforting the poor male. Alister instantly excepted the comfort and sobbed into the arms. His cries were loud and hurt. Then Papyrus sat down with Alister. Hugging his only friend. Behind Papyrus followed Skull, Miché, Clockworth, and Ourac, who held Madeline's hand protectively. Amelia instantly ran over. She wanted back her family. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Al...Ali...Alister... I'm so so so sorry... I love you so much, I don't want to lose you..." Alister seemed to except her. He instantly pulled

her closer. Wanting back his loved sister. Maybe this was the start of a new beginning. A new love. A new life.

Or so we thought.

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