Chapter 7. HES ALIVE?!?!?!

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It had been a couple hours. Clockworth had noted that the king wants Amelia's head. Amelia was currently having a panic attack in the corner, she slowly rocked back and forth, mumbling random things. "Is she going to be okay...?" Ourac asked, slightly laughing, Ourac was currently helping Madeline making something to eat. During that, Dirk stared him down madly. "*hic* Al...Ali's....Alisterrrr... Never knew your sis....sis....sister was so hawt...." Miché drunk ly laughed, along with Skull. Alister fumed, "HOW DARE YOU CALL HER HOT!" Alister roared into Miché's face as he laughed weakly. Miché fell onto the ground like a drunken bastard. Skull, who was also drunk, rolled onto Miché the two now mumbling drunken slurs to each other's. Alister rolled his eyes and walked over to Amelia. "Amelia? You alright?" Alister asked calmly. "NOOOO," She sobbed dramatically, Alister was about to say something, but a hard TAP on his shoulder stopped him, he turned around and saw Clockworth. "Oh, hey Clock, what's up?" Alister asked, keeping his eyes on the startled female. "I apologize to interrupt. But I think BOTH of you would like to hear this. I have already told the others. They want to discuss the matter with you two when I'm done telling you." Clockworth explained. Alister nodded. And Amelia looked up from her knees. Seeing as both were paying attention, Clockworth spoke. "The king has declared all of us as refuges. Counting Dirk and Madeline. He has sent his best fighters to find us. But, We have another matter. The King is after a very VERY sacred blade. He doesn't know where it is. But he threats that he WILL find it. The team suggests we go and find it before he does." Clockworth said calmly. Amelia jumped to her feet. Alister grabbed her arm and ran into the dining room. "WERE GOING NOW!" Alister yelled as he saddled up Dirk's horse, everyone looked at him, with a confused look. Miché stood happily. "Well guys! You heard 'EM! Let's go!" Miché cheered happily as he filled his bag with his supplies. Dirk looked side to side, confused. "Wait, what? Where are we going?!" Dirk asked. Alister charged to him. He intertwined they're hands and stared into his eyes. "Dirk, it's NOT safe here. You and Madeline are coming with us. Okay?" Alister said. Dirk hesitated for a moment, but nodded, afraid.


We were already on our way. Dirk sat on his horse in-front of a wagon where Skull, Madeline, Clockworth, and Papyrus sat. Ourac, Eddy, Miché, Alister, And Amelia walked in front of the wagon, they held their weapons, ready to fight any upcoming enemy. "So... Where do we head first?" Ourac asked, looking around at the tall trees. Miché shrugged, Eddy sighed, and Alister groaned. Amelia grinned. "Look! HavensVille is up ahead! We can restock there, I know a couple people there as well!" Amelia smiled happily. Everyone looked at each other's. They all nodded and headed to HavensVille.

~In HavensVille~

Folks ran from corner to corner. Mothers held infants while children ran around playing happily, some stared at the unusual group, Some even recognized Amelia. Amelia then stopped. "Wait." She whispered. The group stood like statues. Instantly then, Amelia ran into an alley. The group followed anxiously. "We have to go!" Amelia yelled as she hooked the horse to the wagon. "Why?!" Alister asked confused. "The guards are here!" Amelia scowled as everyones eyes widened. The group hurried. And within time, they were far from the village. By now, Amelia had a smile on her face. "Why are you smiling?" Eddy asked bluntly. "Yeah, we didn't get to restock and get help from your friends." Miché added. Amelia laughed. "Haha! My friends aren't in HAVENSVILLE." She laughed more. "What do you mean?" Dirk asked curiously. Amelia smiled as she pointed to a forest. "They Live in there. Shall we?" She asked happily. Eddy and Alister exchanged glances. They both sighed and nodded.


Each one of the characters stepped through the colourful forest. The forest was actually beautiful. There was blue glowing mushrooms and colourful plants. The group neared an opening to a cave. "Here we are!" Amelia announced happily. "What?" Alister asked, "A cave?" Eddy questioned, "Yes. A cave. Now that that's specified. .. Let's go!" She ran in. The group followed in, trying to keep up with her. A light fell upon a light. In the light was an oasis. Filled with BEAUTIFUL colours. Vines tangled against the thick trees, leaving small openings. A big pond with a small waterfall laid in the middle. On one corner of the place, was a stone edge, it was part of the lake, a small roof of stone hovered above it, creating shade. On top of the ledge there was two beds and a couple chests and baskets. "No ones here." Eddy sighed. Ourac snickered as Madeline laughed. Dirk intertwined his hand with Alister's as he looked around. "Oh~ Hello There."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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