Chapter 3. Comrades!

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Kay so guys, I love you guys so much so I wanted to UPDATE AGAAIIIIN!!!! (Pic of Alister)


The group of unusual friends sat at the well made wooden table. Dirk slowly observed the group as he poured the drunk Miché another glass. Alister glanced around, feeling uneasy about the situation he spoke, "So...uh... This is Dirk... And this is Madeline... His younger sister. Dirk, Madeline, This is Miché-" Alister smiled awkwardly pointing to the drunken pirate, Miché had brown hair, he wore a long cyan pirate cape, a short white v-neck, a long cyan cap that flowed across his body, jeans, an over sized belt (probably his brothers) and boots in which went to his knees. "- This is Skull...-" Alister mumbled as he pointed to his annoying friend. Skull had grey hair, he wasn't old. He was anything BUT old, in fact, he was the youngest of us. He also wore a baseball cap which was red and grey, he was covered in piercings and chains. And long unknown scars aligned the right side of his neck. "- This is Ourac...-" Alister directed to the caring halfcees, (halfcees is an animal person, so basically a human furry?) -The halfcees was a shark. Ourac had a wide jaw filled with razor sharp teeth. A fin that aligned his back and stuck out from his brown furred coat, grey skin slipped from his hands and eyes. And Blotches of white and grey decorated the males body. "-This is Clockworth, and this is Eddy." Alister would say as he pointed to both of them. Clockworth had ginger hair. He wore gold goggles that sat on his head. His clothes were in tatters from inventing wonderful creations with high value. Despite looking *almost* normal, the boy had indeed a metal arm. In which he invented HIMSELF. After observing Clockworth, Dirk's eyes landed onto Eddy. Eddy was skinny, but big. You would tell just by looking at him that he's a total *Cough PRICK* Leader that you shouldn't mess with. After introducing the gang. Alister then shot up, "WAIT!" He yelled at Eddy, who sat still, his blank expression planted on Alister. "WHERE THE HELL IS PAPRYUS?!?!" Alister screamed angrily, Alister's face turned red as Dirk ran outside to his startled horse, But Alister had not calmed. Despite being pretty loyal, he was a pain in the ASS! Alister's eyes shot from one of his comrades, to the other. Each one refused to make eye contact. Alister scowled as he stared into the red eyes of Eddy. "Where's. Papyrus." He muttered, fiery still fading into his cold voice. Eddy stared at him. "We lost him." Eddy blankly said, not moving his cold face from the boy. It appeared as if flames had surrounded Alister. Anger washed through him, Alister's hands gripped onto the shirt of his friend, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST HIM?!?!?!?" Alister yelled in fiery, but he seemed to be genuinely upset. "I mean we lost him." Eddy would answer bluntly, oh how Alister hated him.... Alister's hands ripped from Eddy, Alister stared at his comrades, Dirk and Madeline observing with worry in there eyes. "Well! What are we waiting for?!?! We have to go find him!!!" Alister would yell. The group looked at each other's. After knowing nobody would tell the despairing truth, Eddy spoke again. "It's no use kid. That no-good goblin is probably dead by now. Doesn't matter. He wasn't useful anyways. All he ever did was break things. Ruin our plans. We're better off without him." Eddy would take a sip of his drink. The comrades would stare at the man, surprised by his response. Alister shook himself. He had determination to find his friend. He wasn't going to let these barbarians stop him. "H-He... He's my friend. I'm looking for him." And with that. Alister ran off.

(Sorry for the short chapter! Love you all so much!)

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