The Book At The End

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It was getting dark and the people we ran into came fewer and further in between.

Just like I was used to.

Only today, it was different.

I truly enjoyed William's company. He was... charming.

He told jokes that were actually quite silly with context. Although he teased me for some of my more confused reactions, it wasn't cruel; it was more a complement to his character. It was a new friendship, dare I say, unlike any I've ever known.

It was fun.

"I'm sorry," I laughed, "but that simply makes no sense. How can that possibly be a joke?"

"Well, for one thing, you're laughing, the exact function of a joke, and two, jokes don't have to make sense. The duck crosses the road to get to the other side. It's funny because jokes aren't always so obvious and this one is."

"That's ridiculous." But it was true.

We turned on another street, and I saw a familiar sign advertising imperial necklaces. I looked up and knew where we were.

The wide street and houses in the color pattern I've repeated in my head so many times before. Right around the block from here was Opticon Place.

Even though it made me happy, another part of me grew sad. My time with William was setting with the sun, though I wanted it to last longer. My feelings sunk with every step and I grew quieter.

"So, hey," William started, sensing my waning enthusiasm, "how old are you?"

Time being a factor, that felt like the absolute worst thing anyone could ask at the moment, but I still answered.

"On the 21st of the next month, I'll turn fifteen."

Or is that "might" turn fifteen. Did the dead age? A large pit rose in my belly.

"What! No way! Really!" he thrilled, much to my surprise. "You're not going to believe this but that same day will begin my sixteenth year!"

"What! Y-You don't say? How uncanny is that? That two people born on the same day should meet like this?" I eagerly wondered.

The chances were too unlikely.

He stopped, and I followed suit, a little energized. I smiled at him, wondering what else I'd learn before we went our separate ways.

"Maybe it's fate," he said, and with two steps he closed most of the distance between us, and a different feeling animated this body of mine. Animated and froze it where I stood.

William took my eyes with his own, then turned away, scratching the back of his head again. I watched every movement as if I were entranced by his spell.

"I know we just met, but I don't think it'd be fair if things went back to how they were before today."

My brow furrowed. "How things were before?"

How were things before today?

William caught my eye again, and this time they held taut.

"Before we met. Before today, I don't think we've ever even seen each other. Even if we have, we never noticed, even if I couldn't fathom how not. Could you stand it if we never saw each other again?"

His eyes bore a pleading path into my own.

I didn't even have to think about it.

I could never see Mother or Father again, although I knew they once existed and I cared for them. And Pohlin. It's torn me so to be away from him. More so when he told me he never wanted to see me again. And Scarlet. It was heartbreaking to think I'd never see her, or my friends, Celia and Manna.

Remnant TailsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora